Drastic Photoluminescence Quenching of Perylene Derivative Membrane with Phthalocyanine Coating
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-04-05
Yamanaka Tatsuhiko
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Fujimoto Yasushi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Fujimoto Yasushi
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Yamanaka Tatsuhiko
Institute Of Laser Engineering (ile) Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Nagai Keiji
Institute Of Laser Engineering (ile) Osaka University
Norimatsu Takayoshi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University
Yamanaka T
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Fujimoto Y
Department Of Precision Science And Technology. Osaka University
Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University
Norimatsu T
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Kaneko Masao
Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Shiroishi Hidenobu
Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Norimatsu Takayoshi
Institute Of Laser Engineering (ile) Osaka University
- ソロバン格子CIP法による流体構造連成解析
- 太陽光励起レーザーとマグネシウムを利用したエネルギーシステム
- 高精度非構造ソロバン格子CIP法(CIP法)
- CIP法特集号によせて
- ソロバン格子CIP法を用いた多次元希薄気体の数値解法
- Computational Ship Hydrodynamics with the CIP Method(Summaries of Papers Published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- Computation of Fluid-Structure Interactions with the CIP Method Based on Adaptive Meshless Soroban Grids(Summaries of Papers Published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- Computation of free-surf ace flows and fluid-object interactions with the CIP method based on adaptive meshless soroban grids(Summaries of Papers Published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- Computation of Ship Dynamics with the CIP Method Based on Adaptive Meshless Soroban Grids(Summaries of Papers Published by Staff of National Maritime Research Institute at Outside Organizations)
- マグネシウムとレーザーを用いた再生可能エネルギーサイクル
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- ソロバン格子CIP法を用いた高次精度多層流計算法(所外発表論究等概要)
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- CIP法の基礎と応用
- 2605 ソロバン格子を用いたCIP法によるVLASOV方程式の解法(OS-26A CIP 法および多相流解析技術の最近の進展,OS-26 CIP 法および多相流解析技術の最近の進展)
- 2604 ソロバン格子CIP法による気液界面の捕獲(OS-26A CIP 法および多相流解析技術の最近の進展,OS-26 CIP 法および多相流解析技術の最近の進展)
- CIP法によるマルチスケールアナリシス(熱・流体力学・工学におけるマルチスケールモデリング,理学と工学,科学と技術をつなぐマルチスケールモデリング)
- Laser original: Power analysis of a cw solar-pumped laser for magnesium energy cycle (「太陽光励起レーザーとその応用」特集号)
- CIP-BS法による1次元衝撃波問題の数値解(OS2c CIP法とその周辺)
- 4. マグネシウムとレーザーを用いた再生可能エネルギーシステムと持続型社会(特別講演会4,先進サステイナブル都市を支える環境工学,特別講演会(市民フォーラム))
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- Conservative CIP Transport in Meteorological Models(CIP)
- CIP法における表面張力の計算手法(OS2b CIP法とその周辺)
- Large-Area Optical Coatings with Uniform Thickness Grown by Surface Chemical Reactions for High-Power Laser Applications(Optics and Quantum Electronics)
- ソロバン格子を用いた流体計算(OS2c CIP法とその周辺)
- 連続的な水切り現象のシミュレーション(OS2a CIP法とその周辺)
- 太陽光励起レーザとマグネシウムによる新エネルギーサイクル
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- 534 複合領域最適化によるレーザー推進マイクロ飛行機の設計(騒音振動への適用,OS-16:折り紙・マイクロ・スマート構造)
- 642 CIP法を用いたアメンボのシミュレーション(S04-2 ここまで来たCIP法とその将来(2),S04 ここまで来たCIP法とその将来)
- レーザアブレーション過程のシミュレーション
- S601 CIP法とパソコンによるスーパーコンピューティング(超並列計算機によるプラズマ計算機シミュレーション, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- A New Paradigm of Computer Graphics by Universal Solver for Solid, Liquid and Gas(CIP)
- CIP法とトライボロジー
- レーザー推進マイクロ飛行機と複合領域の統合的最適化
- Enhanced Emission of Nd^ in Liquid Systems : Formation of Symmetrical Rigid Shells of Tightly Solvated DMSO Molecules and Weakly Coordinated Low-Vibrational β-Diketonato Ligands
- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Low-Density-Plastic-Foam Capsule of Resorcinol/Formalin and (Phloroglucinolcarboxylic Acid)/Formalin Resins for Fast-Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) in Laser Fusion Research
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- マグネシウムを活用する新しいエネルギーサイクル
- Anomalous Transmission of Laser Light through a Thin Foil Target under 1.06 μm Laser Irradiation
- Improvement of Absorption and Hydrodynamic Efficiency by Using a Double-Foil Target with a Pinhole
- Influence of Bacteria in a Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Solution on the Growth Habit of Crystals
- Electrochemistry of Ruthenium Purple Confined in a Polymer Matrix : Voltammetry, Electrocatalysis for Hydrogen Evolution, and Electron-Transport Characteristics
- Laser Oscillation of Nd-Doped Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter
- Development of Nd-doped Optical Gain Material Based on Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter for High-Average-Power Laser
- First Observation on Photosensitized Luminescence of Nd^ in Organic Solution
- Spatial Coherence Measurement of 13.9nm Ni-like Ag Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by a 1.5ps, 20J Laser
- Drastic Photoluminescence Quenching of Perylene Derivative Membrane with Phthalocyanine Coating
- Interaction of Laser and Plasma Investigated by Scattering of Light
- Generation and Amplification of Laser Pulse with a Variable Pulsewidth Using PTM Method
- Manufacturing and Leak Check of Shell Targets for the FIREX-I Project
- A Proposed Procedure for Temperature Control of the Cryogenic Target for the FIREX Project
- Analysis of Water Oxidation Catalysis by Dinuclear Ruthenium Complex [(NH_3)_5Ru-O-Ru(NH_3)_5]^ Incorporated in a Nafion^ Membrane
- Neutral Debris Mitigation in Laser Produced Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source by the Use of Minimum-Mass Tin Target
- Single Molecular Membrane Glue Technique for Laser Driven Shock Experiments : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabricagion Technology
- Molecular Reactor for Solution Chemistry
- Microstructures of Ultralow-Density Foam Plastics Obtained by Altering the Coagulant Alcohol : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
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- Imaging Characteristics of a Replicated Wolter Type. : I. X-Ray Mirror Designed for Laser Plasma Diagnostics
- Density Matched Coating for Laser Fusion Targets
- Optical Measurement of Laser-Driven Imploding Shock Wave
- AM06-19-009 星間分子雲分裂の三次元磁気流体力学数値シミュレーション(宇宙流体(2),一般講演)
- Selection of Glassmicroballoon and Measurement of Pellet Properties for Laser Fusion Experiments
- Infrared Luminescence from Bismuth-Doped Silica Glass : Optical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Measurements of Intensity Scaling of Ablation Pressure at 10.6 μm and 1.05 μm Laser Wavelengths
- Fine Structures of Laser-Driven Punched-Out Tin Fuels Observed with Extreme Ultraviolet Backlight Imaging
- 1305 そろばん格子CIP法を用いたBGK方程式の数値解法(2)(OS13-1 高クヌッセン数流れ,OS13 高クヌッセン数流れ,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 1305 そろばん格子CIP法を用いたBGK方程式の数値解法(1)(OS13-1 高クヌッセン数流れ,OS13 高クヌッセン数流れ,オーガナイズドセッション)
- Spatial Coherence Measurement of 13.9 nm Ni-like Ag Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by a 1.5 ps, 20 J Laser
- Efficient Photochemical Water Oxidation by a Molecular Catalyst Immobilized onto Metal Oxides
- Two-compartment Cell for Visible Light Decomposition of Water by Dye-sensitized Nanoparticle TiO_2 and Platinized WO_3
- Nuclear Analysis of GEKKO XII ICF Experiment Facility
- 605 希薄流における無次元数と壁面の影響のCIP法解析(OS2.CIP法とその関連手法(2),オーガナイズドセッション)
- Density Measurements of the Laser Produced Plasma by Lase Light Scattering
- A Simulation of Space Plasma by Laser Produced Plasma
- Temperature Dependence of Phase-Matching Angle of Second and Third Harmonic Generation in Type-II KDP Crystal
- Fabrication of Low-Density Solid Xenon as Laser-Produced Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Source
- Sphaleron in a Nonlinear Sigma Model
- Advanced Target Design for the FIREX-I Project
- Development of Double-Structure Heavy-Element Impurity Pellet for Active Spectroscopy of High-Temperature Plasmas
- 丹生先生追悼文
- Photocathode Kinetics of Phthalocyanine/Fullerene with Respect to the Base Electrode for the Bilayer Coating
- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Laser Oscillation of Nd-Doped Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter
- Development of Nd-doped Optical Gain Material Based on Silica Glass with High Thermal Shock Parameter for High-Average-Power Laser
- Enhancement of Thermal Smoothing Effect on Laser Imprint with Soft X-Ray Radiation
- Laser Damage Properties of Optical Coatings with Nanoscale Layers Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
- Monochromatic X-Ray Sampling Imager for Laser-Imploded Core Plasma Observation with Highly Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral Resolutions
- Tin-Doped Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Aerogel with Decanano-Cell Structure
- Ultrawideband Light Emission from Bismuth and Erbium Doped Silica