Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba University
Takahashi K
Div. Of Material Engineering Graduate School Of Natural Sci. And Technol. Kanazawa Univ. Kakumamachi
Takahashi K
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
Takahashi Kohshin
Graduate School Of Natural Sci. And Technol. Kanazawa Univ. Kakuma-machi Kanazawa Ishikawa 920-1192
Takahashi Kohshin
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Jpn
Takahashi Kohshin
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Technology Kanazawa University
Takahashi Kohshin
Department Of Materials Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
Takahashi Kohshin
Division Of Innovative Technology And Science Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kana
Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Fukuoka University
Takahashi Kohshin
Fac. Of Chemistry Inst. Of Sci. And Engineering Kanazawa Univ. Kakuma-machi Kanazawa 920-1192 Jpn
王 嵬
Yamaguchi Takahiro
Department Of Animal Biology Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
山口 孝浩
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
小村 照寿
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
KOMURA Teruhisa
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Kanazawa University
Yamaguchi Takahiro
Division Of Innovative Technology And Science Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kana
Yamaguchi Takahiro
Department Of Material Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
Wang W
Department Of Forensic Medicine Oita Medical University
Wang W
Laboratory Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department Of Biological Sciences And Biotechnology Tsinghua U
Komura Teruhisa
Department Of Material Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
Wang Wei
Department Of General Surgery Shanghai Chang Zheng Hospital Second Military Medical University
Wang Wei
Department Of Cardiology Shanghai Xuhui Central Hospital
Wang Wei
Department Of Biology Graduate School Chinese Academy Of Sciences Beijing
Yamaguchi Takahiro
Division Of Material Engineering Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa Universi
Wang Wei
Department Of Biochemistry Hainan Medical College
王 〔イ〕
Department of Material Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
山口 孝浩
Division of Material Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University
- Oxygen reduction at negatively charged iron porphyrins heat-treated and bridged by alkaline-earth metal ions
- Ghrelin Modulates Insulin Sensitivity and Tau Phosphorylation in High Glucose-Induced Hippocampal Neurons
- Autonomous Hovering and Landing of a Quad-rotor Micro Aerial Vehicle by Means of on Ground Stereo Vision System
- Subcutaneous Solitary Fibrous Tumor
- The Anticancer Activities of Wogonin in Murine Sarcoma S180 both in Vitro and in Vivo(Pharmacology)
- インジゴテトラスルホン酸イオンの電子移動速度に対する4-アミノチオフェノール単分子膜のプロトネーションの効果
- Gene Expression in Adult T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma : Up-Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 in Skin Lesions
- アミノ基を末端に有するチオール単分子膜電極を用いたインジゴイオンの酸化還元挙動
- 電解重合ポリメルドラブルー膜のドーパミン酸化に対する触媒作用について
- 色素増感太陽電池用の活性炭対極の検討 (E)
- 溶液中のヒドロキノンに対するポリ(2, 5-ジヒドロキシアニリン)膜の電極触媒作用
- ビオロゲンを電子媒介体として含むMnポルフィリン系触媒を用いた一酸素原子添加によるシクロへキセンのエポキシ化
- 4-アミノチオフェノール単分子膜電極との静電相互作用を利用したレドックスイオンの電子移動速度の制御
- 電子移動速度を制御した二成分チオール膜電極の交流周波数応答
- ポリ(o-フェニレンジアミン)膜電極のインピーダンス応答および電荷輸送過程における水素イオンの役割
- An Improvement of PDP Picture Quality by Using a Modified-Binary-Coded Scheme with a 3D Scattering of Motional Artifacts (Special Issue on Advanced Emissive Displays)
- A novel temperature sensitive cell line (Tpit/E and Tpit/F1) established from the anterior pituitary gland of T - antigen transgenic mouse
- Immunohistochemical detection of pituitary transcription factor-1 in paraffin sections of bovine adenohypophysis after wet heat-induced antigen retrieval
- Effects of Restricted Concentrate Feeding during the Early Growing Phase on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and the Somatotropic Axis in Holstein Steers
- Somatotrophs and Mammotrophs in Adenohypophysis of Japanese Black Steers : an Immunohistochemical and Morphological Study
- Somatotrophs and Mammotrophs in Adenohypophysis of Japanese Black Steers : an Immunohistochemical and Morphological Study
- STRアリール同定上の問題点とその実用的対策
- Y-27H39座およびHPRT座の同時増幅ならびにHPRT座の日本人集団データ
- STR多型による父子観点の1例
- Triplex affinity capture (TAC) PCR によるDNA型判定
- マイクロサテライトの quintuplex PCR
- モノクローナル抗チミン・ダイマー抗体の作製とDNA多型検出への応用(続報)
- 擬父(亡)の兄弟のマイクロサテライト多型に基づく父子鑑定の1例
- DNA多型による半同胞鑑定
- D2S44(YNH24)アリールのPCR増幅
- Differential cytokine expression in T cell subsets from bovine peripheral blood
- Differential expression of myostatin and its receptor in the porcine anterior pituitary gland
- Age-related changes in leukocytes and T cell subsets in peripheral blood of Japanese Black cattle
- P-13. Calcification needs the release of ANX II as well as ANX V from chondrocytes(Abstracts of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Animal Science(IS-RAAS),Joint meeting of 2^ IS-AS and 3^ IS-IFS)
- D-1. The winding road to candidate genes for marbling(Abstracts of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Animal Science(IS-RAAS),Joint meeting of 2^ IS-AS and 3^ IS-IFS)
- Isolation of genes showing increased expression during bovine adipocyte differentiation
- Bovine Myoblast Differentiation
- Differential characteristics of microfold cells on the dome epithelium of porcine ileum
- Evaluation of Organogermanium Compound. Ge-132. as a Radioprotective Agent.
- Cerebellopontine angle neurenteric cyst with focal malignant features
- Optical CCD Photometry of the Variability of the BL Lacertae Object ON 231 in a Low State
- Long PCR を利用したミニサテライトの検出
- AAAG反復マイクロサテライト・アリールの同定に関する考察
- モノクローナル抗チミン・ダイマー抗体の作製とDNA多型検出への応用
- Novel Mutation (V505D) of the TGFBI Gene Found in A Chinese Family with Lattice Corneal Dystrophy, Type I
- 口腔粘膜のSTRタイピングによる親子鑑定ならびにSTR座D20S85, D14S118およびD14S543の日本人集団データ
- Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of the Green Ytterbium (III) and Lutetium (III) Sandwich Complexes of Octabutoxy-Substituted Phthalocyanine
- メディエ-タと共役した銅(2)イオンを有するガラクト-スオキシダ-ゼの電気化学的特性〔英文〕 (バイオエレクトロケミストリ-の新展開)
- A Sharp Photocurrent Enhancement in Photoelectrochemical Cells with a Photocathode Sensitized by Dye Films of Rhodamine-C_ and Methylviolet-C_ Prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett Techniques
- Characterization of ZnS-layer-inserted bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells by ac impedance spectroscopy
- Performance Improvement by Inserting an Electrodeposited ZnO into ITO/Organic Solid Interface in Organic Solid-state Solar Cells
- Performance Enhancement by Blending Merocyanine Photosensitizer in TiO_2/Polythiophen Solid-state Solar Cells
- The Photovoltaic Mechanism of a Polythiophene/Perylene Pigment Two-Layer Solar Cell
- Performance Enhancement by Blending an Electron Acceptor in TiO_2/polyphenylenevinylene/Au Solid-state Solar Cells
- Percutaneous Cardiopulmonary Support With Heparin-Coated Circuits in Postcardiotomy Cardiogenic Shock, Efficacy and Comparison With Left Heart Bypass
- Merocyanine Dye-Sensitization of Polythiophene in a Conjugated Polymer/TiO_2 p-n Hetero-Junction Solar Cell
- 回転電極法によるNADH酸化に対するポリチオニン薄膜の電極触媒作用の研究(E)
- 溶液pH及び電極電位に依存するポリチオニン膜の電荷輸送
- Enhanced Quantum Yield in Porphyrin Solar Cell with Redox Chain for Electron Transfer
- Spectral Cosensitization in Organic Solar Cell with Mixed Film of Zinc Porphyrin and Merocyanine
- Enhanced Quantum Yield in Porphyrin Heterodimer Solar Cells
- ドナー・アクセプター相互作用を活用した有機太陽電池
- Changes in concentrations of plasma metabolites and insulin-like growth factor-1 after feeding in Japanese Black and Japanese Shorthorn cattle
- Change of plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration with early growth in Japanese beef cattle
- A Facilitated Cyclic Ether Formation and Its Potential Application in Solid-Phase Peptide and Organic Synthesis
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Coumarin-Based Esterase-Sensitive Cyclic Prodrugs of Peptidomimetic RGD Analogs with Improved Membrane Permeability
- Application of Topological Theorems to Studies of Coalescence and Ordering Processes in Nematic Droplets
- The Eight Modes Observation in LiNbO_3 Induced by 3.0 MeV He^+ Implantation
- Binding of bile salts to soluble and insoluble dietary fibers of seaweeds
- Distribution of catechins in Japanese seaweeds
- Crystal Structures and Electrical Properties of 1:1 and 4:1 PF_6 Salts of BO-HBDTT with an α'-Type Denor Arrangement
- Preparation, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties of Tris(2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octabutoxyphthalocyaninato)diytterbium(III) and -didysprosium(III)
- Functional Morphology of the Anterior Pituitary Gland II. Oxidative Enzymes of the Anterior Pituitary Gland in the Pig
- Functional Morphology of the Anterior Pituitary Gland. I. The Cell Types and Distribution in the Anterior Pituitary Gland of Pigs of Different Sexes and Ages
- Enhanced Expression of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Bovine Satellite Cells Treated with Insulin-like Growth Factor I
- Enhanced Expression of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Bovine Satellite Cells Treated with Insulin-like Growth Factor I
- Laparoscopic Management of Recurrent Adhesive Small-Bowel Obstruction : Long-Term Follow-Up
- MCI-186 (3-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) Attenuated Simulated Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Cultured Rat Hippocampal Cells(Pharmacology)
- Visual Evoked Potentials Elicited by Pseudorandom Stimulation from Patients with Macular Degeneration
- Hypolipidemic Mechanisms of Ananas comosus L. Leaves in Mice : Different From Fibrates but Similar to Statins
- Determination of paeoniflorin in rat hippocampus by high-performance liquid chromatography after intravenous administration of Paeoniae Radix extract
- 中国における都市固形廃棄物の資源化に関するフィジビリティスタディ
- 中国における都市ごみ管理の現状
- 中国における都市ごみの発生と環境汚染の状況について
- Study on posture control of wall-climbing robot with omin-directional wheels
- Protective Effects of Breviscapine on Ischemic Vascular Dementia in Rats(Pharmacology)
- Change of fatty acid composition of white adipose tissue with increasing age in Syrian hamster fed alfalfa or cereal based diet
- Single-Stage Anterior Autogenous Bone Grafting and Instrumentation in the Surgical Management of Spinal Tuberculosis
- The First Total Synthesis of Vinaxanthone, a Fungus Metabolite Possessing Multiple Bioactivities
- Inhibition of the Proliferation of a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Cell Line by Gamma Interferon Gene Transfection
- Overexpression of Microtubule-Associated Protein-1 Light Chain 3 Is Associated with Melanoma Metastasis and Vasculogenic Mimicry
- Improved and simplified LC-ESI-MS/MS method for homocysteine determination in human plasma : Application to the study of cardiovascular diseases
- K_v2.1 K^+ Channels Underlie Major Voltage-Gated K^+ Outward Current in H9c2 Myoblasts
- Effect of Microstructure and Crystalline Orientation of Pt Single- or Pt/Ru Bilayer-Electrodes on the Work Function and Leakage Current of SrTiO3 Capacitors
- 電解重合ポリメルドラブルー膜のドーパミン酸化に対する触媒作用について
- Photoelectrochemical properties of thin films of cadmium, zinc, and magnesium porphyrins with pyridyl group.
- Photoelectrochemical properties of thin films of zinc porphyrin derivatives with pyridyl group.