Changes in estrogenic regulation of estrogen receptor α mRNA and progesterone receptor mRNA in the female rat hypothalamus during aging: an in situ hybridization study
Shinohara Kazuyuki
Department Of Physiology Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
Department of Physiology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior, Rockefeller University
Fishiberg Center for Neurobiology, VA Medical Center, Bronx and Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior, Rockefeller University
PFAFF Donald
Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior, Rockefeller University
MOBBS Charles
Fishiberg Center for Neurobiology, VA Medical Center, Bronx and Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Pfaff Donald
Laboratory Of Neurobiology And Behavior Rockefeller University
Mobbs Charles
Fishiberg Center For Neurobiology Va Medical Center Bronx And Mount Sinai School Of Medicine
Brooks Philip
Laboratory Of Neurobiology And Behavior Rockefeller University
Kimura Fukuko
Department Of Neuroendocrinology Yokohama City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kimura F
Yokohama City Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Yokohama Jpn
Shinohara Kazuyuki
Department Of Neurobiology And Behavior Unit Of Basic Medical Sciences Course Of Medical And Dental
Funabashi Toshiya
Department Of Physiology Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
Funabashi T
Yokohama City Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Yokohama Jpn
Shinohara Kazuyuki
Department Of Neurobiology And Behavior Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Nagasaki University
Kleopoulos Steven
Fishiberg Center For Neurobiology Va Medical Center Bronx And Mount Sinai School Of Medicine
Department of Physiology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
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