NMR Measurement of Identical Polymer Samples by Round Robin Method IV. Analysis of Composition and Monomer Sequence Distribution in Poly(methyl methacrylate - co - acrylonitrile) Leading to Determinations of Monomer Reactivity Ratios
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-11-15
Ando Isao
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University
畑田 耕一
SATO Hisaya
Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technolog
Ando Isao
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology International Research C
Ando Isao
Department Of Polymer Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hikichi Kunio
Department Of Polymer Science Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Hikichi Kunio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
TANAKA Yasuyuki
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Facutly of Engineering, Kagoshima Universi
Department of Chemistry, Graduate of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate of Engineering Science, Osaka University
畑田 耕一
Hatada Koichi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Sato Hisaya
Department Of Material Systems Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture An
Sato Hisaya
Department Of Material System Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And
CHUJO Riichiro
Department of Polymerchemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
HORII Fumitaka
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Horii Fumitaka
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University
Chujo Riichiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Science Shizuoka University
Kitamaru Ryozo
Faculty Of Science And Technology Ryukoku University
Terawaki Yoshio
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Tanaka Y
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Ando Isao
Department Of Chemistry And Materials Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kitayama Tatsuki
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Chujo Riichiro
Department Of Material Engineering The Nishi - Tokyo - University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
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