En-2 regulates the expression of the ligands for Eph type tyrosine Kinases in chick embryonic tectum
Shigetani Yasuyo
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Shigetani Yasuyo
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer (idac) Tohoku Univers
Nakamura Harukazu
Department Of Anatomy Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Funahashi Jun-ichi
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer
Funahashi Jun-ichi
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer (idac) Tohoku Univers
Nakamura Harukazu
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer (idac) Tohoku Univers
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