Dual projections of the ventromedial lamina VI and the medial lamina VII neurones in the second sacral spinal cord segment to the thalamus sand the cerebellum in the cat
Huber J.
Department Of Pathophysiology Of Locomotor Organs Karol Marcinkowski University Of Medical Science
Department of Neurobiology, University School of Physical Education, Department of Pathophysiology o
Department of Neurobiology, University School of Physical Education
Celichowski J.
Department Of Neurobiology University School Of Physical Education
Grottel K.
Department Of Neurobiology University School Of Physical Education Department Of Pathophysiology Of
- Distribution of the sacral neurones of origin of the ascending spinal tracts with axons passing through the lateral funiculi of the lowermost thoracic segments: an experimental HRP study in the cat
- Dual projections of the ventromedial lamina VI and the medial lamina VII neurones in the second sacral spinal cord segment to the thalamus sand the cerebellum in the cat
- Neurones in the cervical enlargement of the cat spinal cord antidromically activated from sacral segments and the inferior cerebellar peduncle
- Spinoreticular neurons in the second sacral segment of the feline spinal cord