Vimentin Localisation in Tooth Germ Cells of Two Marsupial Species, the Northern Brown Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus, and the Brushtail Possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-04-01
Suzuki Masatsugu
Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido University
Suzuki Masatsugu
Laboratory Of Wildlife Biology Department Of Environmental Veterinary Science Graduate School Of Vet
Suzuki Masatsugu
Laboratory Of Wildlife Biology Department Of Environmental Veterinary Sciences The Graduate School O
Sasaki M
Laboratory Of Veterinary Anatomy Department Of Basic Veterinary Medicine Obihiro University Of Agric
YOSHIDA Shigemitsu
Department of Oral Functional Science, Graduate School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University
Sasaki Motoki
Laboratory Of Veterinary Anatomy Department Of Basic Veterinary Medicine Obihiro University Of Agric
Department of Anatomical Sciences. The University of Queensland
Yoshida Shigemitsu
Department Of Oral Functional Science Graduate School Of Dentistry Hokkaido University
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