Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Rolled Mg-5.5 mass% Zn-0.6 mass% Zr Alloy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2000-09-20
Mabuchi M
Department Of Energy Science And Technology Graduate School Of Energy Science Kyoto University
Aizawa Tatsuhiko
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology The University Of Tokyo
相澤 龍彦
東大 国際・産学共同研究セ
岩崎 源
Higashi Kenji
Department Of Metallurgy And Materials Science Osaka Prefecture University
College of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Himeji Institute of Technol
College of Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture University
Materials Processing Department, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya, AIST
Materials Processing Department, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya, AIST
Higashi Kenji
Department Of Metallurgy And Materials Science College Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Mohri Takeshi
Processing Technology Research Office Production Technology Department Nagoya Municipal Industrial R
Processing Technology Research Office, Production Technology Department, Nagoya Municipal Industrial
Processing Technology Research Office, Production Technology Department, Nagoya Municipal Industrial
Materials Processing Department, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya
Kinoshia Takehiko
Processing Technology Research Office Production Technology Department Nagoya Municipal Industrial R
Nishiwaki Takeshi
Processing Technology Research Office Production Technology Department Nagoya Municipal Industrial R
Higashi Kenji
College Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Nakamura Mamoru
Materials Processing Department National Industrial Research Institute Of Nagoya Aist
Higashi Kenji
College Of Engineering Department Of Metallurgy And Metallurgy And Materials Science Osaka Prefectur
Kinoshita Takehiko
Processing Technology Research Office, Production Technology Department, Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute
AIZAWA Tatsuhiko
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
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