- 論文の詳細を見る
BACTEC system is a reliable and rapid drug susceptibility test for mycobacteria and is widely accepted in Europe and in the United States of America. In Japan, it is impossible to introduce the BACTEC system in clinical laboratories because of strict regulations for the use of radioactive substances in Japan. To resolve this dilemma, we adopted alpha-antigen (α-antigen), a widely distributed secretory protein of mycobacteria, as the index substance replacing the radioactive substance <SUP>14</SUP>C in BACTEC system.<BR>Alpha-antigen was detected by reverse passive latex agglutination (LA), using latex sensitized with rabbit anti-α-IgG.<BR>Susceptibility of 17 <I>M. tuberculosis</I> strains isolated from patients, grown on Ogawa egg medium and then cultured in 7H9 medium, and of 46 <I>M. tuberculosis</I> strains freshly isolated from patients by 7H9 medium of MB check system, was tested for four antituberculosis drugs, isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RFP), streptomycin (SM) and ethambutol (EB). Ninety four percent of the control cultures were positive for α-antigen within 7 days after the inoculation. The MIC values of H37Rv strain in 7H9 medium determined by the method of Heifets were 0.05μg/m<I>l</I> for INH, 0.03μg/m<I>l</I> for RFP, 0.25μg/m<I>l</I> for SM and 1.9μg/m<I>l</I> for EB.<BR>In 17 strains from Ogawa egg medium, the results obtained from all but 4 strains for SM, 1 for INH, 1 for RFP and 7 for EB were concurrent with that obtained by the method using 1% Ogawa egg medium. No strains were determined to be resistant to any drug by the α-antigen method and be sensitive by the Ogawa medium method. In 46 strains cultured by the MB check system, the results of 42 strains for SM, 35 for INH, 39 for RFP and 36 for EB coincided with those determined by the Microtiter method. Among the strains determined to be resistant by Microtiter method, 1/2 for SM, 10/14 for INH, 4/17 for RFP and 8/10 for EB were determined to be sensitive by α-antigen LA method. The disagreement was seen mostly in strains which were determined to be resistant by the method using egg medium, while sensitive by the α-antigen LA method. The discrepancy might originate from the difference of critical concentration due to heat inactivation of the drugs and absorption in the egg medium. However, some instability was observed in latex agglutina tion and its cause should be examined further.<BR>This method of utilizing 7H9 medium for culture and α-antigen as the index of mycobacterial growth can be an expedient and economical drug susceptibility test because it does not use radioactive substance as in the case of BACTEC system.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
- 1996-03-15
重藤 えり子
重藤 えり子
重藤 えり子
国立病院機構東広島医療センター 呼吸器科
重藤 えり子
広島市立舟入病院 内科
田坂 博信
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- P-60 肺癌リンパ節転移診断における胸部MRI拡散強調像の有用性の検討(一般演題(ポスター) 画像診断2,第48回日本肺癌学会総会)
- 81.進行肺腺癌無治療例におけるEGFR遺伝子変異の臨床的意義の検討(第46回日本肺癌学会中国・四国支部会)
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- II.非定型抗酸菌症の現状と将来 : 3-追加発言:(2) 長期追跡症例
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- タイトル無し
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