Leukocyte Integrin - dependent and Antibody - Independent Cytotoxicity of Macrophage against Allografts
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 2000-01-20
Kubota T
Department Of Physiology Ii Osaka Medical College
Department of Pharmacology, Setsunan University
Yoneda Y
Osaka Medical Coll. Osaka Jpn
Yoneda Yukio
Department Of Molecular Pharmacology Kanazawa University Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kubota T
Department Of Microbiology
Kubota Takahiro
Department Of Physiology Ii Osaka Medical College
Kubota Takahiro
Department Of Drug Metabolism And Biopharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmacy Chiba Institute Of Science
Department of Cell Biology, Osaka Bioscience Institute
OKU Tohru
Department of Physiology Osaka Medical College
Department of Chemistry and Australian Cataract Research Foundation, The University of Wollongong
Department of Physiology Osaka Medical College
HIROTA Ryuichiro
Department of Physiology Osaka Medical College
Yoshida R
Department Of Physiology Osaka Medical College
Yoshida Ryotaro
Department Of Cell Biology Osaka Bioscience Institute
Takikawa Osamu
Department Of Chemistry And Australian Cataract Research Foundation The University Of Wollongong
Yamamoto Yumiko
Department Of Bacteriology Okayama University Medical School
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