An Improved Method of Tissue Culture Bioassay for Tetrodotoxin
Department of Surgery, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Hamasaki K
Japan Sea‐farming Assoc. Okinawa Jpn
Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Hamasaki Koji
Department Of Bioengineering Faculty Of Engineering Soka University Tangi
Ohwada Kouichi
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Ohwada Kouichi
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Kogure Kazuhiro
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
- C-225 FISH法による東京湾海水中微生物群集の解析(遺伝子解析など-3、群集構造解析-4,ポスター発表)
- Multicentric occurrence and spread of hepatocellular carcinoma in whole explanted end-stage liver.
- Re-evaluation of lipiodolized transarterial chemoembolization therapy for intrahepatic recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after curative liver resection.
- 石油および石油と分散型油処理剤添加後にみられた中規模半閉鎖型海洋生態系における植物プランクトン群集の遷移
- 低濃度の石油が混入した実験的閉鎖生態系における海洋細菌群集の変動
- B-38 変性剤勾配ゲル電気泳動法(DGGE法)を用いた閉鎖的実験生態系における石油および分散剤の微生物群集に与える影響(群集構造解析,口頭発表)
- Bioremediation of organically enriched sediment deposited below fish farms with artificially mass-cultured colonies of a deposit-feeding polychaete Capitella sp. I
- PB-22 The succession of microbial community in the fish-farm sediment during bioremediation by introducing artificially mass-cultured colonies of a small polychaete, Capitella sp. I(Monitoring,Poster presentation B)
- PB-21 Mutual relationship between the capitellid polychate, Capitella sp. I and sediment bacteria : application of the two organisms for the treatment of organically enriched marine sediment below fish farm(Monitoring,Poster presentation B)
- Effects of sodium sulfide on burrowing activity of Capitella sp. I and bacterial respiratory activity in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Visual assessment of the respiring microorganisms associated with burrow structures of Capitella sp. I in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Treatment of the Organically Enriched Sediment below the Fish Farm with the Biological Activities of Artificially Mass-Cultured Colonies of a Small Deposit Feeding Polychaete, Capitella sp. I
- 深海微生物採取用圧力保持型採水器の開発
- 海洋での流出油事故と微生物のモニタリング : メソコスム実験(水産微生物のリアルタイムモニタリング)
- 核酸を用いた培養に依存しない微生物群集解析手法 (総特集 海洋微生物) -- (4章 海洋微生物の群集および細胞レベルの解析)
- 海洋のメタン酸化過程に関与する微生物 (総特集 海洋微生物) -- (3章 海洋微生物の生態)
- 総論:海洋微生物研究の現状と展望 (総特集 海洋微生物)
- メソコスムを用いた油濁研究 (総特集 沿岸油濁の生態系への負荷とその影響)
- 16SrRNA遺伝子を用いた海洋堆積物における微生物コミュニティ-の解析 (総特集 バイオマ-カ-による海洋微生物群集の解析)
- 核酸プロ-ブを用いたハイブリダイゼ-ション法による海水中の特定微生物の細胞レベルでの識別 (総特集 バイオマ-カ-による海洋微生物群集の解析)
- バイオマ-カ-による海洋微生物群集の解析 (総特集 バイオマ-カ-による海洋微生物群集の解析)
- Isolation and Growth Characteristics of Deep-Sea Barophilic Bacteria from the Japan Trench
- Analysis of Nanoplankton Community Structure Using Flow Sorting and Molecular Techniques
- An Improved Method of Tissue Culture Bioassay for Tetrodotoxin
- Particulate Peptidoglycan in Seawater Determined by the Silkworm Larvae Plasma (SLP) Assay
- Use of an Optical Oxygen Sensor to Measure Dissolved Oxygen in Seawater
- Mutation is the Main Driving Force in the Diversification of the Vibrio splendidus Clade
- Trophic Interactions among Marine Microbes in Oil-contaminated Seawater on a Mesocosmic Scale
- C-07 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common member of open ocean bacterial flora
- Transient Temperature Up-Shift Suppresses the Loss of Culturability of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Stressed by Low Temperature and Nutrient Deficiency
- Abundance and production of bacterioplankton in the Antarctic
- Heterotrophic bacterial flora of the Antarctic Ocean
- Automatic counting of FISH-labeled microbes by an LED illuminated detecting apparatus
- Use of an automatic cell-counting system with LED illumination for enumeration of marine bacteria
- ヒトエグサ(Monostroma latissimum WITTROCK)の生長過程に関する研究
- Application of Flow Cytometry for Measuring Changes in Intracellular RNA Contents of Marine Bacteria
- 海洋におけるメタン生成細菌(
- 重油の微量水溶性画分が沿岸生態系に与える影響に関するメソコスム実験 (総特集 海洋微生物(2)基礎,応用研究とその利用) -- (2章 生態研究)
- B-33 Phylogenetic characterization of psychrophilic bacteria isolated from deep-sea area of the Nankai Trough
- 海の環境読本 : 海洋汚染その実態と防止策 松橋鐵治郎著, ジロー食品海藻研究所, 1999 年, A4 版, 234 頁, 2600 円
- 海洋におけるメタン生成 (総特集 海洋微生物) -- (3章 海洋微生物の生態)
- Application of Atomic Force Microscopy to Observation of Marine Bacteria
- Analysis of Nanoplankton Community Structure Using Flow Sorting and Molecular Technique
- Study of Marine Sulfate-reducing Bacterial Population Using Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Method during Decomposing Processes of Detrital Material and Polypepton in Microcosms
- Detection and Enumeration of Marine Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Using in situ Hybridization with 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probes
- Detection and Direct Count of Specific Bacteria in Natural Seawater Using 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probe
- Enumerations of Vibrio cholerae in Aquatic Environments by MPN-16S rRNA Hybridization Method
- A Combination Procedure with Thrombolytic Therapy and Balloon Dilatation for Portal Vein Thrombus Enables the Successful Performance of Antiviral Therapy After a Living-Donor Liver Transplantation : Report of a Case
- Visualization of the respiring bacteria in sediments inhabited by Capitella sp.1
- Isolation of Bacteria with Membrane Proteins Homologous to Vibrio anguillarum Porin Omp35La
- 深海の微生物 (深海生物の生態)
- Alkane-degrading bacteria and heavy metals from the Nakhodka oil spill-polluted seashores in the Sea of Japan after five years of bioremediation
- Impacts of Macrobenthic Bioturbation in Marine Sediment on Bacterial Metabolic Activity
- Distribution of Vibrionaceae in the Sea