Validation of auto-counting method by NIH Image using otoliths of white-spotted char Salvelinus leucomaenis
松石 隆
松石 隆
Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Matsuishi Takashi
Laboratory Of Marine Bioresources Ecology Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Matsuishi Takashi
Laboratory Of Marine Ecology Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Takada Takenori
Laboratory Of Marine Ecology Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University,
KANNO Yasuji
Laboratory of Marine Ecology, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University,
Takashima Yoshinobu
Laboratory Of Marine Ecology Faculty Of Fisheries Hokkaido University
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