Competitive Habitat Utilization in the Damselfly, Mnais nawai (Zygoptera:Calopterygidae) Coexisting with a Related Species, Mnais pruinosa
Nomakuchi Shintaro
Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University
HIGASHI Kazunori
Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts, Saga University
Higashi Kazunori
Department Of Biology College Of Liberal Arts Saga University
Nomakuchi Shintaro
Department Of Applied Biological Science Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Nomakuchi S
Department Of Biology College Of Liberal Arts Saga University
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- Competitive Habitat Utilization in the Damselfly, Mnais nawai (Zygoptera:Calopterygidae) Coexisting with a Related Species, Mnais pruinosa
- Male reproductive polymorphism and form-specific habitat utilization of the damselfly Mnais pruinosa (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae)