Improvement in a-Si:H Properties by Inert Gas Plasma Treatment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Publication Office, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyoの論文
- 1997-01-01
澤田 嗣郎
TSUDA Shinya
New Materials Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
New Materials Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Tsuda Shinya
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co . Ltd.
Tsuda Shinya
Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tanaka M
Production Engineering Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Tanaka M
Mitsubishi Electric Co. Ltd. Hyogo Jpn
Tsuda Shinya
National Agricultural Research Center
Maruyama E
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Maruyama Eiji
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tanaka M
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tsuda Shinya
R&d Headquarters Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tsuda Shinya
New Materials R. C. Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
KIYAMA Seiichi
New Materials Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co,. Ltd.
New Materials Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Tanaka M
Manufacturing Development Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tanaka M
Toshiba Corp. Kawasaki Jpn
New Materials Research Center, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Kiyama Seiichi
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Sayama Katsunobu
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tanaka M
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials Tohoku University
Tsuda S
National Agricultural Research Center
Kiyama Seiichi
New Materials R. C. Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Hishikawa Y
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Hishikawa Yoshihiro
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Taino M
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials Tohoku University
Kouzuma Shinichi
Functional Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Tanaka Makoto
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
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