Interannual Variation of the Upper Portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water and Its Probable Cause
Senjyu Tomoharu
Department Of Fishery Science And Technology National Fisheries University
Senjyu Tomoharu
Department Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Sudo H
Department Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Fisheries
SUDO Hideo
Department of Marine Science and Technology,Tokyo University of Fisheries
- Interannual Variation of the Upper Portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water and Its Probable Cause
- Current and Turbidity Variations in the Western Part of Suo-Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan: A Hypothesis on the Oxygen-Deficient Water Mass Formation
- Interannual and Decadal Sea-Level Variations along the Japanese Coast
- The Japan Sea Intermediate Water ; Its Characteristics and Circulation