Effects of Irradiance on Excystment of Tintinnids from Marine Sediments
Nagasaki Keizo
Red Tide Research Division Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
Red Tide Biology Section, Red Tide Research Division, Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
Itakura Shigeru
Red Tide Research Division Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
Red Tide Research Division, Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
Kamiyama Takashi
Red Tide Research Division Nansei National Fisheries Research Institute
- Relationships between dynamics of red tide-causing raphidophycean flagellates and algicidal micro-organisms in the coastal sea of Japan
- Detection and enumeration of microorganisms that are lethal to harmful phytoplankton in coastal waters
- Virus-like Particles in Unicellular Apochlorotic Microorganisms in the Coastal Water of Japan
- Selenium Requirement for Growth of a Novel Red Tide Flagellate Chattonella verruculosa (Raphidophyceae) in Culture
- Effects of Irradiance on Excystment of Tintinnids from Marine Sediments
- Cryopreservation of a Virus (HaV) Infecting a Harmful Bloom Causing Microalga, Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae)
- Effects of Phytoplankton Abundance on Excystment of Tintinned Ciliates from Marine Sediments
- Change in the Microzooplankton Community during Decay of a Heterosigma akashiwo Bloom