Fabrication of 13Cr Stainless Steel Blade Material with Hardness Gradient Using Cladding and Diffusion of Al
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Saburi Toshio
Department Of Material Science And Engineering Osaka University
Hamada Tadashi
Home Appliances Research & Development Laboratory Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.
Kawamura Yoshio
Department Of Material Science And Engineering Osaka University
Home Appliances Research & Development Laboratory, Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
YAMADA Hiroshi
Research & Development Division, Daido Steel Co., Ltd.
Yamada Shuji
Home Appliances Research & Development Laboratory Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.
Yamada Hiroshi
Research & Development Division Daido Steel Co. Ltd.
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