Some results of comparison between the lower thermosphere zonal winds as seen by the ground-based radars and WINDII on UARS
Portnyagin Yu.
Institute for Experimental Meteorology
Institute for Experimental Meteorology
Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology
Portnyagin Yu.I.
Institute for Experimental Meteorology
Solovjova T.V.
Institute for Experimental Meteorology
Wang D.Y.
Centre for Research in Earth and Space Technology
- First results of meteor radar lower thermosphere wind measurements at Dixon, Arctic (73.5゜N, 80゜E)
- Electric fields and meteor radar wind measurements near 95 km over South Pole
- Dynamics of the lower thermosphere over South Pole from meteor radar wind measurements
- Some results of comparison between the lower thermosphere zonal winds as seen by the ground-based radars and WINDII on UARS
- Some results of S-transform analysis of the transient planetary-scale wind oscillations in the lower thermosphere
- Planetary scale and tidal perturbations in mesospheric temperature observed by WINDII
- Some results of S-transform analysis of the transient planetary-scale wind oscillations in the lower thermosphere.