Strand Ligation in a Double-standard DNA by T4 RNA Ligase
Department of Functional Materials Science, Saitama University
Husimi Yuzuru
Department Of Functional Materials Science Saitama University
Husimi Yuzuru
Department Of Environmental Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Department of Functional Materials Science, Saitama University
Department of Functional Materials Science, Saitama University
Nishigaki Koichi
Department Of Functional Materials Science Saitama University
Kinoshita Yasunori
Department Of Functional Materials Science Saitama University
Kinoshita Y
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki
Nishigaki K
Saitama Univ. Saitama
Nishigaki Koichi
Department Of Environmental Chemistry And Department Of Functional Materials Science Saitama Univers
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