柿沼 克良
Department Of Material And Life Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
山村 博
Department of Material and Life Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
MORI Toshiyuki
National Institute for Materials Science, Ecomaterials Center
Atake T
Materials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Atake Tooru
Research Laboratory Of Engineering Materials Tokyo Institute Of Tachnology
KAKINUMA Katsuyoshi
Department of Material and Life Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
Department of Material and Life Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
Yamamura Hiroshi
Department Of Material And Life Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
Kutsukake Naoto
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
Mori Toshiyuki
Nano-ionics Materials Group National Institute For Materials Science
Mori Toshiyuki
Ecomaterial Center National Institute For Material Science
Kakinuma Katsuyoshi
Department Of Material And Life Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kanagawa University
沓掛 直人
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
- 超伝導酸化物の伝導性と電子構造
- Successive Phase Transitions in Crystalline State of Mesogenic Butyl 4-[2-(Perfluorooctyl)ethoxy]benzoate
- 過剰のアルカリ土類酸化物を含むBa_xSr_yLa_InO_系の陽イオン分布と導電率
- Single-Crystal Structural Study of fcc and hcp C_ from 107 to 298 K Using Synchrotron X-Rays
- Ce_Sm_O_における酸化物イオン伝導と誘電率の関係
- ペロブスカイト固溶系Ba(Zn_Ta_)_M_O_における構造不整と電気伝導度
- ゾルーゲル法由来ZrO_2の新熱炭素還元法によるZrN薄膜の合成
- 安定化ジルコニア電気化学セルを用いたベンゼンガスの分解
- Specific Heat and Superconductivity of (La_Sr_)_2CuO_4
- Specific Heat and Superconductivity of Ba_2YCu_3O_y.
- 8mol% Y_2O_3添加ZrO_2の誘電的性質に対する電極効果
- 20atom% Nd-Doped CeO_2 の酸化物イオン伝導度と誘電緩和の関係
- Y添加ZrO_2単結晶の誘電緩和
- 10mol%Ca添加CeO_2の誘電緩和
- Ce_Sm_xO_系における誘電緩和
- ペロブスカイト酸化物(Ba_Sr_xLa_y)InO_の酸化物イオン伝導性と固体酸化物形燃料電池への応用
- ABO_3-BaLiF_3におけるペロブスカイト型酸フッ化物相(A=Ba, Ca, B=Ti, Zr)
- 一定の格子定数をもつパイロクロア型組成系(Yb_Nd_x)_2(Ce_Zr_)_2O_7の酸化物イオン伝導度
- パイロクロア型組成を有するEu_2Zr_2O_7及びLa_2Ce_2O_7の交流伝導度
- パイロクロア型組成酸化物系の酸化物イオン伝導度に及ぼす陽イオン半径比と単位格子自由体積の効果
- ペロブスカイト型酸化物(Ln_Sr_x)CoO_ (Ln=La, Nd and Sm)系の熱膨張率とその電気伝導度
- パイロクロア型組成系Ln_2Ce_2O_7(Ln=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Y and Yb)の結晶相と電気伝導度
- 新たなる固体電解質材料の創製とその燃料電池への応用
- 希土類陽イオンを複合ドープしたセリア固溶体の電気伝導度
- 09-O-24 Influence of Nano-Structural Feature on Electrolytic Properties of Gd Doped CeO_2 Solid Electrolytes
- 01-O-18 Synthesis of Gd-and (Gd, Sr)-Doped Ceria Ceramics and Their Characterizations
- Fabrication of Transparent Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Ceramics Through a New Dry Mixing Method
- 8mol%イットリア添加ジルコニアの高抵抗粒界相の除去に対するアルミナ粒子の分布の影響
- X-Ray Diffraction Study on Phase Relation of BaZnGeO_4
- In_2O_3微粉末の合成とその2段階焼結
- Oxide ion conductivity in (Ba_Sr_La_)(In_M_x)O_ (M = Sc and Yb) systems
- A Comparative Study on Chiral and Racemic 12-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acids in the Solutions and Aggregation States : Does the Racemic Form Really Form a Gel?
- Low-Temperature Heat Capacity of Cubic Boron Nitride
- ペロブスカイト型酸化物の格子欠陥化学
- Three-dimensional Mesoporous TiKIT-6 with Ia3d Symmetry Synthesized at Low Acid Concentration and Its Catalytic Performances
- Heat Capacities of Isomric 2-Butoxyethanols from 13 to 300 K: Fusion and Glass Transition
- Phase Transition and Effect of Small Amount of Water Included in K_2ZnCl_4 Crystal
- Specific Heat of Hexagonal Barium Titanate
- Anodic Dissolution Mechanism and Electrochemical Oscillation of Cobalt in Sulfuric Acid Solution
- チャンネルフロー三重電極による過渡応答解析
- Calorimetric Study on Mesogenic Butyl 4-[2-(Perfluorooctyl)ethoxy]-benzoate. Successive Phase Transitions in the Crystalline State
- Incommensurate-Commensurate Phase Transition of BaZnGeO_4 Studied by Electron Microscopy and Diffraction
- 酸素欠陥ペロブスカイト固溶系(La,Ba)(Ga,In)O3-δの電気伝導度(E)
- Specific Heat and Phase Transition Phenomena in (CH_3NH_3)_5Bi_2Cl_
- (Ce1-x-yLaxMy)O2-δ(M=Ca,Sr)系における電気伝導度に及ぼす多重添加効果
- Low-Temperature Speciffic Heats of Betaine Phosphate and Successive Phase Transitions at 82.7 and 87.1K
- Electrical conductivity in the (Bi_Ln_xEr_)_2O_3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd) systems
- Dielectric properties of proton conductor BaCe_Y_O_
- Relationship between Dielectric Properties and Admittance Spectra of Oxide Ion Conductor Ce0.9Y0.1O2-δ
- Formation of C-type rare earth structures in the Ce1-xNdxO2-δ system: a factor in the decrease in oxide-ion conductivity
- Evaluation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Refractories - Fundamentals and Applications - : 1.1 Thermal Conductivity-Fundamentals (2)
- Structures and Phase Transitions in Rb_2MoO_4 and Rb_2WO_4
- Relationship between Oxide-Ion Conduction and Dielectric Properties of Gd2Zr2O7 Having a Fluorite-Type Structure
- Activation of a Li-rich Solid-Solution Layered Li[Ni_Li_Co_Mn_]O_2 Cathode and Retention of High Capacities via an Electrochemical Pretreatment with a Low Discharge Voltage Limit
- Influence of pH on Photoadsorption of Dissolved Oxygen in TiO2 Suspensions
- Relationship between Photoluminescence Intensity of TiO2 Suspension Containing Ethanol and Its Surface Coverage on TiO2 Surface
- Electrode Effects on Dielectric Relaxation in Oxide-Ion Conductor Ce0.7Yb0.3O2-\delta Having a Fluorite-Type Structure
- Dielectric Relaxations in the Ce1-xYbxO2-δ System
- Dielectric Properties of Oxide-Ion Conductors
- Thermodynamic studies on order-disorder phase transitions of p-terphenyl and p-terphenyl-d14.
- Electrode Effects for Dielectric Properties of 8 mol% Y2O3 Stabilized ZrO2
- Heat capacities and phase transitions of crystalline 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene.