- 論文の詳細を見る
The "dual structure model for the population history of the Japanese" proposed by Hanihara (1991) seems to have widely been accepted by most anthropologists in Japan.The model assumes that the first occupants of the Japanese Archipelago came from somewhere in Southeast Asia in the Upper Palaeolithic age and gave rise to the people of the Neolithic Jomon age, or Jomonese; then a second wave of migration from Northeast Asia took place in and after the Aeneolithic Yayoi age; and the populations of both lineages gradually mixed.The first occupants might have arrived in the Japanese Archipelago mainly over a Southwestern land bridge (Korean Peninsula and Ryukyu Islands) and partly over a Northern land bridge (Sakhalin) in the last glacial period, when the sea level was low. The second wave might have come from China and Korea by boats on the sea in the late Holocene.Concerning the mixture of the first occupants (Jomonese) and the later migrants (Yayoi people), almost all anthropologists agree with the "dual structure model". Concerning the provenance of the first occupants, however, there are several other opinions. For example, recently Omoto proposed the idea, based on genetic affinities between the Ainu and Northeast Asians, that the first occupants came from Africa across the Asian continent, which means that they came not from somewhere in Southeast Asia, as is suggested by Hanihara, but from somewhere in North Asia.The author suggests, based on the affinities among fossil human skulls of late Pleistocene Asia, that the first occupants might have lived in the coastal area of Northeast Asia (including the Japanese Archipelago) and that there were no large human migrations over the Southwestern land bridge during the last glacial period.
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