Phase Separation and Lattice Misfit in NiAl(β_1)-Ni_2AlTi(H)-NiTi(β_2)System
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Horita Z
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Horita Zenji
Department Of Materials Science & Engineering Kyushu University
根本 実
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Oh-ishi K.
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
- Softening and Microstructural Coarsening without Twin Formation in FCC Metals with Low Stacking Fault Energy after Processing by High-Pressure Torsion
- Effect of Annealing on the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Anodized Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation
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- 電子線トモグラフィ法の材料開発への応用 : 投影像は三次元情報を正確に反映しているか?
- 核磁気共鳴による Al-Sc および Al-Mg-Sc 系合金の研究
- ECAP加工した Al-5%Si スプレーフォーミング材の組織と力学特性
- Evolution of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures with Equivalent Strain in Pure Fe Processed by High Pressure Torsion
- Scaling-Up of High Pressure Torsion Using Ring Shape
- 強ひずみ加工によるアルミニウム合金第2相粒子の変形
- Al-3.7mass%Cu合金の粒界無析出帯(PFZ)における拡散挙動の解析
- ECAP加工を施したMg-7.5%Al-0.2%Zr合金の微細組織と超塑性
- ECAP法で製造した微細粒Al-3%Mg-0.2%Sc合金の超塑性
- ECAP法によるAl-Mg-Li-Zr合金の結晶粒微細化と超塑性特性
- ECAP加工したMg-0.6%Zr合金の微細粒組織と超塑性
- Development of Severe Torsion Straining Process for Rapid Continuous Grain Refinement
- ECAPで結晶粒微細化した板材に対する圧延の効果
- HPTによるAl-3.0%Mg-0.2%Sc合金の結晶粒微細化
- ECAP加工と時効によるAl-10%Ag合金の微細組織
- Al-1.5%Si合金のECAP加工と時効組織
- 純アルミニウム単結晶を用いたECAP中の変形過程
- 強ひずみ加工によるナノ組織制御
- TiAl(L1_0)-(Al, Cr)_3Ti(L1_2)系における相分離
- 強ひずみ加工法で作製したAI合金の粒界構造
- ECAP微細粒Al合金の超塑性変形に対する固溶強化元素の重要性
- ダブルシアー試験法によるAlおよびAl-Mg固溶体合の高温変形挙動の測定
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- 大ひずみ加工による1GPa級高強度アルミニウム合金の高靭性化
- チャンネル角60度によるAl合金のECAP加工
- Achieving Superplasticity of Al-1%Mg-0.2%Sc Alloy in Plate Samples Processed by Equal-channel Angular Pressing
- Grain Refinement of Plate Samples Using Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
- Low-Temperature Superplasticity in Aluminum Alloys Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
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- Significance of Microstructural Control for Superplastic Deformation and Forming
- Microstructure Evolution in Pure Al Processed with Twist Extrusion
- Evolution of Microstructure and Hardness in Pure Al by Twist Extrusion
- ECAPによるMgおよびMg合金の力学特性改善
- Advanced form of ζ-factor method in analytical electron microscopy
- Application of ζ-factor method to Ti-Al-Cr system in analytical electron microscopy
- Universal Plot for Hardness Variation in Pure Metals Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
- Thermoelectric Properties of Bi_2Te_3-Related Materials Finely Grained by Mechanical Alloying and High Pressure Torsion
- STSPによるFe-C合金の微細組織制御
- Al合金の結晶粒微細化に及ぼすSTSP加工条件の影響
- STSP加工によるMg合金の微細組織制御
- 板材のための強ひずみ高速連続加工プロセス"SVSP"の開発
- Determination of absolute thickness and mean free path of thin foil specimen by ζ-factor method
- Diffusion Analysis across Grain Boundary in Al-3.7mass%Cu Alloy Using Analytical Electron Microscopy
- Mg-9mass%Al合金の高温HPT
- High-Pressure Torsion of Machining Chips and Bulk Discs of Amorphous Zr_Cu_Al_Ni_
- リング状HPT加工によるアルミニウム合金の結晶粒微細化と力学特性
- HPT法を用いた高純度アルミニウムの結晶粒微細化に伴う強度、延性の変化
- 巨大ひずみ加工したAl-Ag系合金の時効挙動および力学的特性
- The Effects of ECAP and heat treatments on age hardenable Al-11mass%Ag alloys
- ECAPと時効が及ぼす Al-11mass%Ag alloy の特性
- ECAP加工による微細粒組織の形成(微細粒材料の創製と接合による問題点)
- チャンネル屈曲部外周角(Ψ)を制御したECAP加工における組織と力学特性
- 103 強ひずみ加工法で微細粒化した Cu-Zn 合金における超塑性特性
- ECAP法による微細組織制御
- ECAP法で作製した微細粒Al-Cu系合金の時効挙動
- An Evaluation of Superplastic Anisotropy after Processing by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
- Grain Refinement Using High-Pressure Torsion
- Microstructural Evolution in Pure Aluminum in the Early Stages of Processing by High-Pressure Torsion
- ECAPで微細粒化したAl合金の超塑性特性に及ぼすMg添加量の影響
- ECAP法による結晶粒微細化と超塑性
- ECAP法による超塑性Al-3%Mg-0.2%Sc合金の作製
- 新しい組織制御法としてのEqual-Channel Angular Pressing(ECAP)
- 拘束強ひずみ加工で作製した超微細粒組織
- 拘束強ひずみ加工法による結晶粒微細化と超塑性
- Microstructural and Mechanical Characteristics of AZ61 Magnesium Alloy Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
- Development of High-Pressure Sliding Process for Microstructural Refinement of Rectangular Metallic Sheets
- Fabrication and Characterization of Supersaturated Al-Mg Alloys by Severe Plastic Deformation and Their Mechanical Properties
- Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Pure V and Mo Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
- Al-Mg 固溶体のECAPによる比抵抗増加
- Distributions of Hardness and Strain during Compression in Pure Aluminum Processed with Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Subsequent Annealing
- Development of High Performance Metallic Materials Using Severe Plastic Deformation Process
- Change in Magnetic Property of Cu-6.5mass%Co Alloy through Processing by ECAP
- Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of High Purity Aluminium Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
- Microstructural Evolution in an Al-1.7 at%Cu Alloy Deformed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
- Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis in Analytical Electron Microscopy
- Grain Refinement and Mechanical Property Improvement of Metallic Materials Using Severe Torsion Straining Process ( STSP )
- 微細結晶粒を有するECAP材の均質性
- Phase Separation and Lattice Misfit in NiAl(β_1)-Ni_2AlTi(H)-NiTi(β_2)System
- ECAP加工した微細粒アルミニウム合金の圧延と焼鈍 (特集 ナノ・スーパーアルミの基礎と応用(1))
- 分析電子顕微鏡EDS法による拡散対界面の解析
- サブミクロン粒径をもつAl-3%Mg合金--その製造と組織
- 超塑性セラミックス--金属の超塑性と比較して
- 厚い試料を用いた高圧ねじり(HPT)加工および高圧すべり(HPS)加工におけるひずみ導入分布と結晶粒超微細化
- 分析電子顕微鏡X線微小部定量分析法の開発と応用
- 分析電子顕微鏡の拡散対研究への応用
- 分析電子顕微鏡(AEM-EDS, EELS)
- 「第 12 回国際電子顕微鏡会議」に参加して
- Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and High-Pressure Torsion of Pure Copper : Evolution of Electrical Conductivity and Hardness with Strain
- Production of Al/Al_2O_3 Nanocomposites through Consolidation by High-Pressure Torsion
- Effects of Low Rotational Speed on Crystal Orientation of Bi_2Te_3-Based Thermoelectric Semiconductors Deformed by High-Pressure Torsion