magnetotail Convection in Geomagnetically Active Times 1. Distance to the Neutral Lines
Yamamoto T.
Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Kokubun S
Solar-terrestrial Environment Laboratory Nagoya University
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Yamamoto T
Inst. Space And Astronautical Sci. Kanagawa Jpn
Yamamoto T.
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Saito Y
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kokubun S.
Solar-terrestrial Environment Laboratory Nagoya University
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- 12pZA-1 Comparative Study on Vortex Matter Phase Transitions under Tilted Magnetic Fields in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_(English Session)
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- Observations of the Magnetosheath near the Nominal Tail Axis during the Geomagnetic Storm of January 25, 1993
- Large Field Events in the Distant Magnetotail During Magnetic Storms
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- A Quasi-stagnant Plasmoid Observed With Geotail on October 15, 1993
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- Corotating Ion Events Associated with Cosmic Ray Modulation
- On the Origin of the Upstream Diffuse Ions : Case Studies from GEOTAIL Observations
- The Energetic Particle Spectrometer HEP onboard the GEOTAIL Spacecraft
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- Plasma Wave Observations with GEOTAIL Spacecraft
- 23pWH-8 Topological insulator CuXBi_2Se_3 and Ca_xBi_Se_3
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- The Low Energy Particle (LEP) Experiment onboard the GEOTAIL Satellite
- Akebono Observations of the Polar Wind and Suprathermal Auroral Ions : An Overview
- Propagation Characteristics of Auroral Hiss Observed by Akebono Satellite
- Geotail Observations of an Unusual Magnetotail under Very Northward IMF Conditions
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- The CME Event of February 21, 1994 : Response of the Magnetic Field at the Earth's Surface
- The Structure of the Plasma Sheet and Its Boundary Layers
- Simultaneous Satellite and Ground Based Observations of Polar Cap Phenomena
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- Non-thermal electrons at the Earth's bow shock : A 'gradual' event
- Automatic Waveform Selection method for Electrostatic Solitary Waves
- Plasma Entry from the Flanks of the Near-Earth Magnetotail : GEOTAIL Observations in the Dawnside LLBL and the Plasma Sheet
- Evidence of Two Active Reconnection Sites in the Distant Magnetotail
- Magnetotail Convection in Geomagnetically Active Times 2. Dawn-Dusk Motion in the Plasma Sheet
- magnetotail Convection in Geomagnetically Active Times 1. Distance to the Neutral Lines
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- Evidence for an extended reconnection line at the dayside magnetopause