阪本 成一
福井 康雄
石黒 正人
川辺 良平
阪本 成一
阪本 成一
川辺 良平
川辺 良平
川辺 良平
石黒 正人
福井 康雄
- 星座カメラi-CANプロジェクト
- ミリ波地上分光観測による成層圏・中間圏オゾンの変動
- 大宇宙の誕生
- 高速フォトダイオードを利用したミリ波帯フォトニック発振器
- フォトミキシングを利用した100GHz帯ミリ波発振器
- C-14-7 100-800 GHz 帯フォトニックエミッタの出力測定
- アンデスの巨大電波望遠鏡ALMAと光技術
- D301 チリ・アタカマ高地における成層圏・中間圏H_2^Oの時間変動観測(中層大気)
- P106 南米チリに設置したミリ波分光計によるH_2^O高度分布の連続観測
- なんてんの5年間
- Discovery of Molecular Loop 3 in the Galactic Center : Evidence for a Positive-Velocity Magnetically Floated Loop towards L=355°-359°
- Similarity between the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center and the Solar Chromospheric Arch Filaments
- A Peculiar Jet and Arc of Molecular Gas toward the Rich and Young Stellar Cluster Westerlund 2 and a TeV Gamma Ray Source
- 宇宙100の謎
- Search for Remnant Clouds Associated with the TW Hya Association
- Catalogue of ^CO(J = 1-0) and ^CO(J = 1-0) Molecular Clouds in the Carina Flare Supershell
- Aligned Molecular Clouds towards SS 433 and L = 348°.5 : Possible Evidence for a Galactic "Vapor Trail" Created by a Relativistic Jet
- 銀河系中心部における磁気浮上ループ
- Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Radiometer for Measuring the Stratospheric Ozone over Rikubetsu, Japan
- P408 陸別ミリ波放射計で観測された成層圏オゾンの短期変動解析
- High-Resolution Studies of the Dense Molecular Cores toward Massive Star-Forming Regions
- An Unbiased Search for Molecular Clouds in the Southern Galactic Warp
- 超新星と宇宙線陽子の加速(最近の研究から)
- D307 地上ミリ波放射計による成層圏・中間圏の水蒸気観測 : H_2^O観測結果とH_2O,H_2^O同時観測計画(物質循環II)
- ^CO (J = 1-0) Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Monoceros and Canis Major Region
- Discovery of Interacting Molecular Gas toward the TeV Gamma-Ray Peak of the SNR G 347.3-0.5
- 渦位予報システムおよび一酸化塩素濃度予報システムの構築
- CO Column Density and Extinction in the Chamaeleon II-III Dark-Cloud Complex
- Study of L 688/L 694/L 700: a Complex of Dark Clouds in Aquila
- ^CO Molecular Cloud Survey and Global Star Formation in Lupus
- A Large Scale ^CO (J = 1-0) Survey toward the Chamaeleon Region with NANTEN
- Study of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Region of IC 2118
- A Large-Scale Study of H^CO^+and C^O (J = 1-0) in Orion B
- The Most Massive C^O Molecular Complex in Centaurus and Star Formation Therein
- A ^CO (J =1-0) Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Vela Supernova Remnant with NANTEN
- A Survey for High-Latitude Molecular Clouds toward Infrared-Excess Clouds with NANTEN
- Detection of Eight Molecular Supershells in the Southern Milky Way with NANTEN
- A CO Survey of the LMC with NANTEN : III. Formation of Stellar Clusters and Evolution of Molecular Clouds
- A CO Survey of the LMC with NANTEN : II. Catalog of Molecular Clouds
- Sensitive CO Observations of the LMC Supergiant Shells with NANTEN : Their Effects on the Formation of Molecular Clouds and Stellar Clusters
- First Results of a CO Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud with NANTEN
- On the Mass Spectrum of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- 南半球中緯度におけるミリ波分光計によるオゾン、CIO等の大気微量分子の観測
- つくばミリ波分光計による中間圏オゾンの季節変動の観測
- Molecular Clouds around a Runaway O Star,ζOphiuchi
- The Atacama Compact Array (ACA)
- ガーナ・インターネット天文台の構築と星座カメラi-CANプロジェクト
- High-Resolution Near-Infrared Images of the T Tauri Binary System XZ Tauri
- 大型高精度アンテナにおける計測と制御
- 反射型素子電界ベクトル回転法を用いた反射鏡アンテナの鏡面精度測定法のシミュレーションによる評価
- 反射型素子電界ベクトル回転法を用いた大口径ミリ波アンテナの鏡面精度測定法
- ALMAの広報普及活動
- 大型ミリ波サブミリ波干渉計(LMSA)計画と国際大型干渉計構想
- IAU総会来る! 集え若人よ 夏の京都へ
- The Discovery of Two Lyman α Emitters beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- 反射形素子電界ベクトル回転法を用いた大口径ミリ波アンテナの鏡面精度測定法
- 電波ホログラフィ法による電波干渉計の鏡面精度測定
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Infrared Imaging of the Gravitational Lens PG 1115+080 with the Subaru Telescope
- Subaru First-Loght Deep Photometry of Galaxies in A 851 Field
- The First Light of the Subaru Telescope:A New Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula
- Search for Outer Massive Bodies around Transiting Planetary Systems : Candidates of Faint Stellar Companions around HAT-P-7
- Temperature and Density in the Foot Points of the Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center ; Analysis of Multi-J Transitions of ^CO (J = 1-0, 3-2, 4-3, 7-6), ^CO (J = 1-0), and C^O (J = 1-0)
- NANTEN Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Galactic Center ; Association of Compact Astronomical Objects
- Warm and Dense Molecular Gas in the N 159 Region : ^CO J = 4-3 and ^CO J = 3-2 Observations with NANTEN2 and ASTE
- Near-Infrared Observations of MUSES-C Mission Target
- フレネル領域電波ホログラフィによる大口径アンテナの評価法
- 集束ビーム給電系からなるアンテナのフレネル領域電波ホログラフィの検討
- ALMAで惑星科学:ミリ波・サブミリ波観測による惑星科学研究とその展望
- Planetary Companions around Three Intermediate-Mass G and K Giants : 18 Delphini, ξ Aquilae, and HD 81688
- Subaru Near Infrared Coronagraphic Images of T Tauri
- 22GHz水蒸気ラインによる大気位相遅延の測定 水蒸気輝度温度と「はるか」ラウンド・トリップ位相との比較実験
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Faint Companions around Young Stellar Objects Associated with the Taurus Molecular Cloud
- Subaru Near-Infrared Multicolor Images of Class II Young Stellar Object, RNO 91
- Subarcsecond Near-Infrared Images of Massive Star Formation Region NGC 6334 V
- Formation of Galactic Center Magnetic Loops
- CISCO: Cooled Infrared Spectrograph and Camera for OHS on the Subaru Telescope
- Superwind-Driven Intense H_2 Emission in NGC 6240
- Subaru Infrared Spectroscopy of the Pluto-Charon System
- Color-Magnitude Sequence in the Clusters at z ~ 1.2 near the Radio Galaxy 3C 324
- Subaru Observations for the K-Band Luminosity Distribution of Galaxies in Clusters near to 3C 324 at Z ~ 1.2
- High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imagine of the Powerful Radio Galaxy 3C 324 at z = 1.21 with the Subaru Telescope
- Comparative Studies of Visible and IRAS Interplanetary Dust Bands
- The isophote maps of the Gegenschein obtained by CCD observations
- Maximum Visible Polarization of 4179 Toutatis in the Apparition of 1996
- Molecular Clouds as Cosmic-Ray Barometers
- Spectroscopy of Mrk 23 and NGC 4151 in the 3 μm Region
- Spectroscopic Study of NGC 1068 in the 3 μm Band
- Pole orientation and triaxial ellipsoid shape of (25143)1998 SF36,a target asteroid of the MUSES-C mission
- 気球搭載用電波分光データ処理装置の試作
- チリ・パンパラボラ標高5000mでの雷放電特性の調査
- フォトミキシングを利用した100GHz帯ミリ波発振器
- 銀河ガス円盤プラズマの3次元磁気流体数値実験(宇宙・惑星(2),一般講演)
- Modeling the Gamma-Ray Emission Produced by Runaway Cosmic Rays in the Environment of RX J1713.7-3946
- A Detailed Observational Study of Molecular Loops 1 and 2 in the Galactic Center
- High Excitation Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Loops ; ^CO (J=2-1 and J=3-2) Observations
- Molecular and Atomic Gas toward HESS J1745-303 in the Galactic Center : Further Support for the Hadronic Scenario
- Stochastic Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galaxy
- Processing of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Molecular-Loop Regions near the Galactic Center Revealed by AKARI
- 分子雲衝突によって誘発される大質量星形成