Comparison of Line Beam Response Function for Gamma-ray Skyshine Analysis Based on Single Scattering Method with the Monte Carlo Calculations
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<BR>A simple calculation method for estimating gamma-ray skyshine dose rates has been developed on the basis of the line beam response function (LBRF). The new data of LBRFs were generated by the single scattering with point kernel technique (single-scattering method). These resulting LBRFs were compared with the EGS4 and MCNP Monte Carlo calculations. The values of the new LBRFs for the large emitted angle become smaller than the LBRFs obtained with the Monte Carlo calculations with an increase of the distance from the source. This discrepancy increases with an increase of the photon energy.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
- 1997-08-25
Visible Information Center
Tokai Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sakamoto Y
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hirayama H
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Hirayama Hideo
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
HARIMA Yoshiko
CRC Solutions Corporation
Visible Information Center Inc.
Kurosawa Naohiro
Visible Information Center Inc.
HARIMA Yoshiko
CRC Research Institute, Inc.
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