Evaluation of Neutron Cross Sections of Hydrogen from 20 MeV to 1 GeV
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The neutron cross sections of hydrogen (<SUP>1</SUP>H) have been evaluated in the energy region from 20 MeV to 1 GeV. Evaluated quantities are the total, elastic and inelastic scattering and capture cross sections, covariance matrix of total cross section and photon production cross section associated with the capture process. The total cross section was evaluated by combining the results obtained from the generalized least-squares method and the phase-shift data. The phase-shift data have been also used to calculate the elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections and their angular distributions. The capture cross section was calculated from the deuteron photo-disintegration cross section in conjunction with the principle of detailed balance. The presently evaluated data give a good description of the available experimental data in general and are also in good accord with those values given in ENDF-B/VI that are available below 100 MeV.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
- 1996-08-25
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Fukahori Tokio
Tokai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
CHIBA Satoshi
Tokai Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
MORIOKA Sin-ichi
CRC Research Institute
Chiba Satoshi
Tokai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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