the Second Department of Internal Medicine | 論文
- Severe Diabetic Scleredema with Extension to the Extremities and Effective Treatment Using Prostaglandin E_1
- Trp64Arg Mutation of β_3-Adrenergic Receptor and Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects with Glucose Intolerance
- Simple Obesity with Cardiomyopathy of Obesity
- A Novel Nonsense Mutation in Exon 1 and a Transition in Intron 3 of the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene
- Hypothyroidism Preceding Hyperthyriodism in a Patient with Continuously Positive Thyroid Stimulating Antibody
- Anti-Alpha-Enolase Antibodies in Pituitary Disease
- -0602- Abnormal Blood Pressure Response during Exercise in Hypertrophic Non : Obstructive Cardiomyopathy(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY)
- Arrhythmias in patients with Brugada-type electrocardiographic findings
- 46, XY Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis: A Case with Graves' Disease and Exceptionally Tall Stature
- Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index, Rather Than Pulse Wave Velocity, Is a Useful Marker for Assessing Severity of Coronary Heart Disease
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor with a Novel Mutation of KIT Proto-oncogene
- 数字ストループ課題遂行時の脳波について
- 試作エアーブーツの静脈鬱血改善作用の検討
- 試作褥瘡予防マットの体圧分散効果と快適性に関する検討
- 利き目と視力が視野闘争に与える影響
- 誘発刺激に対する胃電図応答
- 「見えない」のに「見える」?! : 視野闘争下の視覚誘発電位による注意機能の研究
- 回転刺激による酔いの生理学的研究
- 脈波伝搬時間の簡便計測法
- タキストスコープを用いた3Dステレオグラムの立体視成立時間の測定