Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama‐shi Jpn | 論文
- High Resolution DOA Estimation Using Second-Order Differential of MUSIC Spectrum(Communications,Multimedia and Mobile Signal Processing)
- Accurate Source Number Detection Using Pre-Estimated Signal Subspace(Software Defined Radio Technology and Its Applications)
- 中国華中区域におけるブナ林の植生生態学的研究 : 種組成, 植生構造及び生態類型
- B-1-91 Symmetrically adjusted frequency injection beam switching for localization in sensor networks
- B-5-70 Cellular Energy-Harvesting Transmitter
- B-5-8 Design of a cellular energy-harvesting radio
- FOREWORD (Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security)
- A Case of Ectopic Thyroid in Lateral Neck Associated with Graves' Disease
- Low Bone Mineral Density in a Case of Mosaicism Klinefelter Syndrome: Rapid Response to Testosterone Therapy
- A Case of Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenoma Resembling So-called Silent Corticotroph Adenoma
- Hypoglycemia Associated with the Administration of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
- Two Cases of Empty Sella Syndrome with Variable Dexamethasone-Suppressibility of ACTH and Cortisol
- Severe Alpha-2 Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome in Diabetes Mellitus
- 排泄物分析に基づくカラス類Corvus spp.のアカメガシワMallotus japonicus種子の利用と消化状況
- Security Issues for Software Defined Radio : Design of a Secure Download System(Special Issue on Software Defined Radio Technology and Its Applications)
- 二次林の管理計画のための植生の空間的分布と人為的管理の関係(平成14年度 日本造園学会研究発表論文集(20))
- 原町市東ヶ丘公園予定地の植生
- 中国におけるモンゴリナラ林の植物社会学的研究
- 横浜国立大学キャンパスの植生機能 : 防災機能についての植生学的研究
- 中国のFagus lucida林とFagus engleriana林に関する植物社会学的研究