Yamanashi Medical College | 論文
- Inactivation of Human Alkaline Phosphatase by Sodium Thiocyanate
- Image-forming detectors to observe fine spatial distributions of auroral X-rays
- X-ray intensity, ozone density, and VLF wave intensity observed by scientific balloon experiments at Esrange
- 79 Serum 1.5-anhydro-D-glucitol levels in pregnant women and newborns.
- Polar patrol balloon project in Antarctica
- Remote sensing of atmospheric temperature profile using three cosmicray muon components (extended abstract)
- Possible contribution of X-rays to energetic electrons measured by proportional counter during auroral substorm
- Rocket Measurements of Auroral-Zone Energetic Electrons at Syowa Station, Antarctica. II. Characteristics of Electrons under Active Auroral Conditions
- Rocket Measurements of Auroral-Zone Energetic Electrons at Syowa Station, Antarctica I. Characteristics of Electrons under no Geomagnetic Disturbance
- IS-29 Effect of "medical" and surgical castration on the level of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) mRNA in the rat anterior hypophysis.
- IS-28 Detection of aromatase mRNA in the monkey brain.
- Long-Term Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Low level of Gamma Rays on Circadian Activity Rhythm and Open Field Activity of Male Mice
- A 6.7-s quasi-periodic fluctuation of auroral X-rays observed at rocket altitudes
- P-74 Screening for Aneuploidy by Fetal Nuchal Translucency Compared with Maternal Serum.
- P-49 Prenatal Diagnosis of Caudal Regression Syndrome with Nuchal Translucency : Report of Two Cases.
- P-47 Three Cases of the Cystic Lesion of the Umbilical Cord.
- C-23 Nuchal Translucency in Twin Pregnancies.
- Ground Albedo Neutrouns Produced by Cosmic Rediations