Yamanashi Forest Research Institute | 論文
- 緑化のり面における植生の研究
- Predictive risk model and map of human-Asiatic black bear contact in Yamanashi Prefecture, central Japan
- Microsites for seedling establishment of subalpine conifers in a forest with moss-type undergrowth on Mt. Fuji, central Honshu, Japan
- 北海道中央部の針葉樹人工林における風倒被害と樹形
- Is it necessary to change the number of samples for different forest types when evaluating plant species richness? A case study in a forested landscape in central Japan
- Effects of altitudinal gradient on species composition of naturally regenerated trees in Larix kaempferi plantations in central Japan
- Difference between sprouting traits of Cercidiphyllum japonicum and C. magnificum
- Feasibility of silviculture for complex stand structures : designing stand structures for sustainability and multiple objectives
- Long-term effects on tree regeneration of soil scarification with microtopography manipulation in mixed forests of central Hokkaido, northern Japan
- A Review of Ecological Studies on Plant Species Diversity in Plantation Ecosystems
- 施肥量の違いが埋土種子の発芽および初期成長に及ぼす影響
- 山梨県における林道の緑化施工 (播種工) のり面の属性と植生の関係
- 緑化のり面におけるイタチハギの駆除処理と再生
- ニホンジカにおける密度依存性と環境収容力
- 国営備北丘陵公園における森林表土利用工による法面緑化の施工事例
- 緑化材料として春と夏に採取した森林表土の撒き出し試験事例
- Effects of browsing by sika deer (Cervus nippon) on subalpine vegetation at Mt. Kita, central Japan