Welding Research Institute of Osaka University | 論文
- Dynamical Characteristics of Weld Cracking in Multipass Welded Corner Joint
- 12. Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Plates and Minimum Stiffness Ratio of Their Stiffeners
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 6) : Weld Solidification Crack Susceptibility of High Tensile Low Nickel Alloy Steel
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 5) : Sulphide and Solidification Crack Susceptibility in Fe-S-Mn-Ni and Fe-S-Mn-C Quarternary Alloy Steels
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 2) : Theoretical Investigation on Change in Liquid Composition among Primary Crystals during Weld Solidification and on New Parameter Replacing Mn/S in Fe-S-Mn Alloy Steel
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 3) : Applicability of New Parameter Mn^3/S to Weld Metal of Fe-S-Mn Alloy Steel
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 4) : Theoretical and Experimental Iuvestigations on Solidification Crack Subceptibility of Low Carbon Steel Weld Metal
- Effect of Sulphur on Solidification Cracking in Weld Metal of Steel (Report 1) : Fundamental Investigation on Sulphides in Fe-S Binary Alloy Steel
- Features in Weld Solidification Structure of High Purity Aluminum Sheet
- Formation Mechanism and Metallurgical Properties of the Feathery Crystal in Weld Metal of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Sheet
- Crystallographic Anisotropy of Columnar Zone in Aluminum Weld Metal
- Crystallographic Investigation for Origination of New Columnar Crystal in Aluminum Weld Metal Using Single Crystal Sheet
- Fundamental Solidification Mechanism and Microstructures in GTA Spot Welds of Aluminum Sheets
- X-ray Investigations on Solidification Structures in Weld Metal
- A Judging Method of Advisability of Welding under Pulsating Loads : Welding on Structures in Service condition (Report III)
- Mechanical Study on Quasi-Solidification Cracks under Pulsating Loads : Welding on Structures in Service Condition (Report II)
- Modern Method of Ultimate Strength Analysis of Offshore Structures(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Solidification Mode in Aluminum Weld Metal
- Growth Features of Subgrains and Columnar Crystals in Aluminum Weld Metal
- Phase Formation in SiC/Metal Joints at High Temperatures