Welding Research Institute of Osaka Univ. | 論文
- Effect of Copper Oxide on Joint Strength of Friction Welding of Copper-Tungsten Sintered Alloy to Tough Pitch Copper
- Properties of ECR Plasma in a Simple Mirror Field II : Spatial Structure of the Plasma
- Properties of ECR Plasma in a Simple Mirror Field I : Correlation in Cold and Hot Electron Production
- Effect of Plasma Opacify on the Doppler-Free Polarization Spectrum in a Hydrogen Plasma
- Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Doppler-Free Polarization Spectra in a Low Density Hydrogen Plasma
- Effect of Nitorogen Content on the Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Type 304 Austenitic Staninless Steel Weld Metals(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Influence of Microstructure in the Heat-Affected Zone on the Reheat Cracking Susceptibility of Cr-Mo steel
- Influence of Microstructure in the Heat-Affected-Zone on the Reheat Cracking Susceptibility
- Si薄膜の結晶性に対するポストアニーリング効果
- 高純度アルミナのミリ波焼結における断熱構成依存性
- 誘導結合型プラズマを用いた水素化アモルファスカーボン薄膜の作製
- ミリ波アニールによる(Ba,Sr)TiO_3高誘電率薄膜の合成
- ECRプラズマスパッタリング法による次世代半導体メモリー用薄膜の合成
- 局在電子論にもとづく擬2元系T-Al-N硬質物質の設計 : (2)体積弾性率の予測と硬度の関連
- 局在電子論にもとづく擬2元系T-Al-N硬質物質の設計 : (1)B1/B4相変化の予測と実験結果の比較
- Characterization of Microstructures and Precipitated Carbides in HAZ which Affect the Reheat Cracking Susceptibility of High Tensile Steel Welds
- Contribution of Higher Harmonic Resonance on the Production of ECR Mirror Plasma by 60 GHz Gyrotron