University of the Air | 論文
- ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A NOVEL BACTERIOPHAGE THAT INFECTS WOLBACHIA, AN ENDOSYMBIONT OF ARTHROPODS(Genetics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- HORIZONTAL GENOME TRANSFER FROM ENDOSYMBIOTIC BACTERIUM TO HOST INSECT(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Cerataphis jamuritsu, a Subtropical Aphid Producing Soldiers in Large, Hard Galls (Homoptera)
- Secondary Monoecy of the Gall Aphid Thecabius populimonilis (Homoptera)
- Phylogeny of Cerataphidini Aphids Revealed by Their Symbiotic Microorganisms and Basic Structure of Their Galls : Implications for Host-Symbiont Coevolution and Evolution of Sterile Soldier Castes
- Regulation of Wolbachia Density in the Mediterranean Flour Moth, Ephestia kuehniella, and the Almond Moth, Cadra cautella(Genetics)
- INFECTION DENSITY OF WOLBACHIA IN THE MEDITERRANEAN FLOUR MOTH, EPHESTIA KUEHNIELLA, AND IN THE ALMOND MOTH, CADRA CAUTELLA(Genetics & Behavior Biology and Ecology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Wolbachia Infections and Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in the Almond Moth and the Mediterranean Flour Moth(Genetics)
- Anti-Oxidative Compounds in Barley Tea
- 9-Oxo-neoprocurcumenol from Curcuma aromatica (Zingiberaceae) as an Attachment Inhibitor against the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis galloprovincialis(Organic Chemistry)
- Systematic Position of Hymenophyllum rolandi-principis Rosenst. or a Monotypic Genus Rosenstockia Copel. (Hymenophyllaceae) Endemic to New Caledonia
- Broadcasting, Telecommunication and Social Development(Session I,The Second International Symposium on University Distance Education "Technological Innovation and Life-Long Education")
- Technological Innovation and Life-Long Education : The Present and Future of Distance Education(Discussion,The Second International Symposium on University Distance Education "Technological Innovation and Life-Long Education")
- Atmosphere Effect on Migration of Co and Si in Au-Go-Si System
- Application of New Media and its Relationship to Guidance in Schooling(Session II,The Second International Symposium on University Distance Education "Technological Innovation and Life-Long Education")
- Separation of X- and Y-Chromosome-Bearing Murine Sperm by Free-Flow Electrophoresis : Evaluation of Separation Using PCR(Reproductive Biology)
- PREFACE(The Second International Symposium on University Distance Education "Technological Innovation and Life-Long Education")
- The Major Field of "Understanding Nature" of the University of the Air (<Special Issue>Science Education used Broadcasting Media in Japan)
- A New Surface Density Model of Jovian Trojans around Triangular Libration Points
- A Comparative Study of Size Distributions for Small L4 and L5 Jovian Trojans