University of Copenhagen | 論文
- 深海サンゴ礁 : その普遍的分布と地質学的意義
- 23pYF-4 磁場方向精密制御下での擬一次元導体(TMTSF)_2ClO_4の金属-非金属クロスオーバー(23pYF TMTSF/TMTTF系,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- 重症難治性呼吸器感染症の病態と治療
- A bipolar comparison of deep ice cores from Antarctica(Dome Fuji)and Greenland(GRIP) (scientific paper)
- Sticking deep ice core drills: Why and how to recover
- Attenuation of drill cables
- The UCPH borehole logger
- Hole liquids and gaskets for the ISTUK deep ice core drill
- The new improved version of the ISTUK ice core drill
- Kinshiro Oshitari et al. (eds.), Philologia Anglica: Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 1988, ix+508 pp.
- 鍛えられた身体に強固な性格(新しい男性像を求めて-男性の視点から見た両性の平等に関する北欧会議報告)
- Report 2. Status of shallow drill
- The GRIP deep drilling camp
- 第5章 動的, 力学的特性
- On Love and Law in European Community Building (Nation Building and Sub-Cultures)
- Report 4. Methods of maintaining a vertical borehole
- Report 3. Status of deep drill
- 肝疾患に対する栄養サポート
- 490 The molecular basis for birch pollen related oral allergy syndrome (OAS)
- 片頭痛の病態について(第372回北里医学会招待学術講演会要旨)