University Of Tokushima | 論文
- デカセギと家族(1) : 日本就労の意図せざる結果・A家の場合
- デカセギと家族(2)農園維持の世帯戦略・B家の場合
- デカセギと家族(1)日本就労の意図せざる結果・A家の場合
- イラン人来日の背景と経緯 : 出稼ぎイラン人の軌跡・渡日編
- Peripheral blood stem cell versus bone marrow transplantation from HLA-identical sibling donors in patients with leukemia : a propensity score-based comparison from the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation registry
- GSOシンチレータにおける原子核稀崩壊過程
- Increased expansion of Vα24^+ T cells derived from G-CSF-mobilized peripheral blood stem cells as compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells following α-galactosylceramide stimulation
- Reduced-intensity unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for hematologic malignancies
- EBV-Positive Burkitt Lymphoma as a Late-Onset Posttransplantion Lymphoproliferative Disorder after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Unrelated-Donor Bone Marrow Transplantation with a Conditioning Regimen Including Fludarabine, Busulfan, and 4 Gy Total Body Irradiation
- A Novel Design Approach for Contourlet Filter Banks
- デカセギと家族(11) : 日本で育った子どもの日本への帰還・K一家の場合
- 経済危機後の在日南米人人口の推移 : 入管データの検討を通して
- Use of foscarnet for cytomegalovirus infection after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from a related donor
- Mutational analysis of the N-ras gene in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a study of 125 Japanese pediatric cases
- Human Face Detection In Visual Scenes Using Neural Networks
- Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Chronic Liver Diseases after Treatment of Malignant Disease in Children : A Multicenter Study from the Children's Cancer and Leukemia Study Group of Japan
- A Controlled, Dose-Comparison Study of Granisetron for Nausea and Vomiting Induced by Cancer Chemotherapy in Children
- 嘉田県政誕生をめぐる有権者意識と投票行動 : 「漁船」はなぜ「軍艦」に勝てたのか
- デカセギと家族(9)ポスト花卉栽培の生業をめぐる苦悩・J一家の場合