University Of Fukui | 論文
- Relationships between Force Curves and Muscle Oxygenation Kinetics during Repeated Handgrip
- Relationships between Decreasing Force and Muscle Oxygenation Kinetics during Sustained Static Gripping
- 2P7:Relationship between the mean direction of the center of pressure and physical and mental condition
- The Effect of Measurement Time When Evaluating Static Muscle Endurance during Sustained Static Maximal Gripping
- 238 The reliability of decreasing force and muscle oxygenation kinetics during repeated rhythmic maximal grip
- Characteristics of ADL Ability on Partially Dependent Older Adults : Comparison among Different Ambulatory Activities Levels
- The Influence of Posture Change on Measurements of Relative Body Fat in the Bioimpedance Analysis Method
- Sex and Age Differences of Relationships among Stepping Parameters for Evaluating Dynamic Balance in the Elderly
- An Algorithm for Estimating Liquid Flow Field From PTV Measurement Data of Bubble Motion
- The Second Joint Meeting of American Urological Association (AUA)/Japanese Urological Association (JUA) International Program on the 102nd Annual Meeting of American Urological Association at Anaheim 2007
- Preoperative Predictors for Organ-Confined Disease in Japanese Patients with Stage T1c Prostate Cancer
- AN-P23 Mutational establishment of mammalian cell lines suitable in industry by proton and carbon beam irradiation(Section I Animal and Plant Cell Cultures)
- 2TA1-06 タウ由来ペプチドの繊維性凝集におけるリン酸化の部位的効果(蛋白質-物性(安定性,折れたたみなど),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Determination Method of Optimal Operation Schedule for Power and Heat Interchange System using Fuel Cells in Collective Housing
- Ultrashort-pulse mode-locked Yb:YAG laser overcoming the fluorescence spectrum limit
- FM-P22 Expression analysis of manganese peroxidase gene in white rot fungus L-25 in the presence of amino acids(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- 3P234 K+チャネルにおけるイオン透過の微視的機構の濃度依存性(生体膜・人工膜-興奮・チャネル,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-200 モデルチャネルとK^+チャネルにおけるイオン透過機構の理論的研究(生体膜/人工膜・興奮,チャネル,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P572 Mechanism of Ion Permeation in Model Channel; Free Energy Surface and Dynamics of K^+ Ion Transport in Anion-doped Carbon Nanotube(27. Molecular dynamics simulation,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- MN-O2 Single cell analysis for organophosphorus compounds sensing using organophosphorus hydrolase and EGFP displayed arming yeast(Section X Micro/Nano Technology for Analysis and Cell Manipulation)