Universitat Duisburg Gesamthochschule Laboratorium Fur Festkorperphysik:department Of Physics Nagoya | 論文
- Amorphization of Layered Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Systems
- Thermodynamics of a Mixed Spin Ising Chain : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Spin Waves in Amorphous Ferromagnets
- The Possibility of Two Compensation Points in a Decorated Ferrimagnetic Ising System : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Exact Initial Transverse Susceptibility of a Mixed Spin Ising Chain : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Comment on the Grest and Nagel Model in Amorphous Ferromagnetic Alloys
- A Note on a New Effective Field Theory of the Ising Model
- A Note on the Theory of Spin Glasses