Univ. Utah Ut Usa | 論文
- Failure Trace Analysis of Timed Circuits for Automatic Timing Constraints Derivation(Dependable Computing)
- Partial Order Reduction for Timed Circuit Verification Based on Level Oriented Model(Verification and Dependability Analysis)(Dependable Computing)
- Partial Order Reduction for Timed Circuit Verification Based on Level Oriented Model
- Modular Synthesis of Timed Circuits Using Partial Order Reduction
- 非同期式回路自動合成の高速化について(VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般 論理合成及び高位合成)(デザインガイア2003 -VLSI設計の新しい大地を考える研究会-)
- Spectral Narrowing of Emission in Di-substituted Polyacetylene
- Preparation and Properties of Lead Zirconate-Titanate Thin Films : Thin Films
- Polymer Electroluminescent Diodes with Ring Microcavity Structure
- Effect of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) on guinea pig gallbladder contraction in vitro
- Mirrorless Lasing in Conducting Polymer poly(2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) Films
- 米国における環境問題解決のための嫌気性消化法の役割