Univ. Toyama Toyama Jpn | 論文
- Novel pharmacological potential of Rhei Rhizoma against peroxynitrite-induced oxidative renal injury
- The antioxidative activity of Kangen-karyu extract delays senescence of human lung fibroblasts
- Amelioration of kidney damage in spontaneously diabetic WBN/Kob rats after treatment with Keishi-bukuryo-gan
- Increase in the Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Ginseng by Heat-Processing(Pharmacognosy)
- Concise Synthesis of dl-Febrifugine
- Re-revision of the Stereo Structure of Piperidine Lactone, an Intermediate in the Synthesis of Febrifugine
- Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of Febrifugine Derivatives
- Reaction of N-Acylated Isofebrifugine with Acid
- Low Operational Voltage of Organic Electroluminescent Devices with a High Bipolar Conducting Silole Derivative
- White Organic Electroluminescent Devices with Mixed Single Layer (Special Issue on Advanced Emissive Displays)
- 全立位におけるパナマの融合領域測定に関する研究
- 漢方診断学部門(各部門・附属センターの活動と業績)
- カロリー制限とアンチエイジング (特集 抗加齢医学的ダイエット)
- 糖尿病向け漢方薬 (特集 糖尿病と機能性食品)
- Early lineage switch in an infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia as an atypical presentation of X-linked agammaglobulinemia
- Spontaneous regression of aleukemic leukemia cutis harboring a NPM/RARA fusion gene in an infant with cutaneous mastosytosis
- Molecular characterization of two novel VEGFR3 mutations in Japanese families with Milroy's disease
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia after living donor liver transplantation
- Mutational Analysis of the WASP Gene in 2 Korean Families with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome