Univ. Tokyo Tokyo | 論文
- On the Optical Absorption of Protonated Retinal Schiff-Base with Torsion about Some Bonds in the Polyene Chain
- The [4+2]Cycloaddition of 2,3-Dimethylbutadiene to the Diselenido Ligand in the Dicationic Dinuclear Ruthenium Complexes
- Rapid Induction of Liver Cirrhosis in Mini Rats by Thioacetamide
- Breath-hold monitoring and visual feedback for radiotherapy using a charge-coupled device camera and a head-mounted display : system development and feasibility
- Fabrication of InP Submicron Pillars for Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals by Reactive Ion Etching
- Fabrication of Two-Dimensional InP Photonic Band-Gap Crystals by Reactive Ion Etching with Inductively Coupled Plasma
- 4p-D4-9 3次元キャビティ内の流れのレイノルズ数依存性
- Adenovirus-mediated Gene Transduction of IκB or IκB Plus Bax Gene Drastically Enhances Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-induced Apoptosis in Human Gliomas
- "Unscreening" Effect of Coulomb Interaction on Fe-Pnictide Superconductor(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Reproductive biology of the cardinalfish Apogon lineatus in Tokyo Bay, Japan
- Signal Observation from a Pulsed Ionization Chamber Filled with Tetramethyl Germanium
- Suzaku X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cassiopeia A
- Broad-Band Spectrum of the Black Hole Candidate IGR J17497-2821 Studied with Suzaku
- 磁石にくっつく超伝導体--強磁性と超伝導の微視的な共存
- Diffuse 18μm Emission around TYC 3159-6-1 Discovered by the AKARI MIR All-Sky Survey
- Spatial Distributions of Dust and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Nearby Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4589 Observed with AKARI
- Supernova Remnants in the AKARI IRC Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud
- AKARI IRC Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud : Outline of the Survey and Initial Results
- BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species : the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome
- Familial 14-Mb deletion at 21q11.2-q21.3 and variable phenotypic expression