United Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Ehime University | 論文
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus aggregatum) influences biotransformation of arsenic in the rhizosphere of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)(Environment)
- Cultivar Differences in the Number of Differentiated Spikelets and Percentage of Degenerated Spikelets as Determinants of the Spikelet Number per Panicle in Relation to Dry Matter Production and Nitrogen Absorption (Soil Fertility)
- Zinc and cadmium uptake from a metalliferous soil by a mixed culture of Athyrium yokoscense and Arabis flagellosa(Environment)
- Difference in Yield Response to 3 Intra-row Spacings in 6 Mungbean Cultivars(Preliminary Report)(Abstract Presented at 26th Meeting)
- Studies on the agronomy of mungbean [(Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. : II- Reproductive and yield characteristics of mungbean cultivar groups classified by earliness in flowering(Abstracts Presented at the 24th Meeting)
- Studies on the agronomy of mungbean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek : III. Yield components (Preliminary Report)(Abstract Presented at 25th Meeting)
- Soil Characteristics under Three Vegetation Types Associated with Shifting Cultivation in a Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Sarawak, Malaysia (Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- 北タイ熱帯山地常緑林における樹木の元素濃度
- 北タイ熱帯山地常緑林における土壌および樹木の無機元素蓄積量
- Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils around a chromite mine in Vietnam(Environment)
- Genotypic Differences in Dry Matter Accumulation, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Harvest Index in Recombinant Inbred Lines of Rice under Hydroponic Culture
- Genotypic differences in grain yield, and nitrogen absorption and utilization in recombinant inbred lines of rice under hydroponic culture(Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy)
- 中国産多収性インド型品種揚稲4号のシンク大小に及ぼす緩効肥の影響(日本作物学会四国支部第42回講演会講演要旨)
- 異なる栽植密度下における多げつ性水稲品種IR36と水原258号の次位別分げつの動態
- 改良草型指数によるインド型および日本型水稲品種の評価
- 105 分げつ性の異なる水稲品種の相対分げつ茎長と有効化率
- 26 生育初期の気温差が多げつ性水稲品種(水原258号、IR36)の分げつ特性に及ぼす影響(関西支部講演会)
- 15 異なる栽植密度下における多げつ性水稲品種IR36と水原258号の分げつ動態の解析
- 7 窒素施用開始時期が分げつ性の異なる水稲品種の乾物生産特性と収量性に及ぼす影響
- Soil Characteristics under Rehabilitation of Degraded Forestland in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia