Tsukuba Research Laboratory, Hitachi Maxell Ltd. | 論文
- MNMS発症予防に対する新しい試み(日本アフェレシス学会第7回九州地方会抄録)
- Stanford B 型急性大動脈解離による腸管虚血に対し上腸間膜動脈へのバイパス術を行った一例
- Analysis of Leading Edge/Trailing Edge Independent Detection Method in Optical Disk : High Density Recording
- Analysis of Leading Edge/Trailing Edge Independent Detection Method in Optical Disk
- Excitation of Coherent Spin Waves in GdFeCo film(Magnetism and Spin Dynamics)
- Femtosecond laser pulse induced magnetization reversal : Towards thermo-magnetic writing at THz rates (Invited Paper)
- Magneto-Optical Disk Structure with High Write / Erase Repeatability : MAGNETO-OPTICAL MEDIA III
- Femtosecond Laser Pulse Induced Magnetization Reversal of α-Gd_Fe_Co_
- Domain Copying and Expansion Phenomena of MAMMOS Media Using A Blue Laser and A High NA Objective Lens
- Spatial resolution for MAMMOS readout:experiment and modelling
- 腹膜外到達法による腹部大動脈瘤術後グラフト感染の1例