Tomakomai Research Station, Hokkaido University Forests | 論文
- Flow rate mediates the competitive influence of a grazing caddisfly on mayflies
- International Biodiversity Observation Year in Western-Pacific and Asian regions (DIWPA-IBOY) : a case report on species rarity and spatio-temporal variability of species composition in Lepidoptera and Coleoptera communities from a temperate forest of nor
- Functional spatial scale of community composition change in response to windthrow disturbance in a deciduous temperate forest
- Quantitative food webs of lepidopteran leafminers and their parasitoids in a Japanese deciduous forest
- Redd superimposition by introduced rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, on native charrs in a Japanese stream
- Selective foraging on terrestrial invertebrates by rainbow trout in a forested headwater stream in northern Japan
- Natural Reproduction of Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch Population Introduced in a Pond-Associated Stream in Hokkaido, Japan
- Summer Microhabitat Use and Diet of Four Sympatric Stream-dwelling Salmonids in a Kamchatkan Stream
- Importance of the understory stratum to entomofaunal diversity in a temperate deciduous forest
- Differences in the Impact of a Weir on the Reproductive Activities in White-spotted Charr and Dolly Varden in a Japanese Pond-associated Stream System
- Effects of habitat configuration on host-parasitoid food web structure
- Scale-dependent effects of windthrow disturbance on forest arthropod communities
- Effects of herbivore-bearing adult trees of the oak Quercus crispula on the survival of their seedlings
- Diet differentiation in polymorphic Brachymystax lenok in streams of southern Primor'e, Russia
- Is invertebrate shredding critical for collector invertebrates? A test of the shredder-collector facilitation hypothesis
- Contribution of woody debris to trout habitat modification in small streams in secondary deciduous forest, northern Japan
- Effects of Herbivory and Light Conditions on Induced Defense in Quercus crispula
- Trophic cascading effects of predatory fish on leaf litter processing in a Japanese stream