Tokyo Univ. of Science | 論文
- Validation of human skin models for skin corrosivity tests in Japan
- Inter-laboratory Collaborative Study of Cell Transformation Assay for Tumor Promoters Using Bhas 42 cells by Non-genotoxic Carcinogen Study Group in Japan
- 23aPS-69 High-Pressure synthesis of (RE) FeAsO-based superconductors (RE=Ho, Er and Y)
- Inter-Laboratory Validation Study for Non-Radioisotopic Local Lymph Node Assay Based on BrdU Incorporation (LLNA-BrdU)
- 22 Biochemical Comparison between Radon Effects and the Other Effects on Humans in Radon Hot Spring Therapy(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Validation of LabCyte EPI-MODEL24, an In Vitro Assay for Detecting Skin Irritants
- A prevalidation study for three-dimensional cultured human skin models as alternatives to skin irritation testing
- Statistical Issues in the Design and Analysis of Validation Studies
- Effects of Particulate Matter on Daily Mortality in 13 Japanese Cities
- Study on the reliability and reproducibility of visual assessment for human skin irritation test
- Study on the optimality of material allocation design in the validation study of alternative assay to animal experiments
- Consideration on the statistical analysis for agar method in the mouse lymphoma assay
- 2A1-B16 身体地図情報システムと転倒・転落シミュレータとの統合による事故状況の推定
- Difference in Activation of Transcription Factor between Gamma-Ray and Nitric Oxide
- 24pRL-2 Tuning the Band Alignment of Liquid/Solid Interfaces in Electric-Double-Layer Transistors
- Effects of Particulate Matter on Daily Mortality in 13 Japanese Cities
- 24aYH-7 T'-La_RE_xCuO_のアニール効果(24aYH 高温超伝導l(磁性・輸送特性・結晶合成),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 26aPS-141 Na_5W_O_薄膜の合成とその特性(領域8ポスターセッション(理論,空間非対称,アクチノイドなど),領域8(強相関系分野:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 29pTF-4 Studies on muonium production in vacuum from silica aerogel and hot tungsten at J-PARC