Tokyo Shibaura Electric CO., Ltd. | 論文
- Some Obsevations on the "Wear" of Spur Gears
- Experiments and Analyses on Shock Waves Propagating through a Gas-Particle Mixture
- Diffusion Welding of Mild Steel to Aluminium
- Dynamic Displacements and Stresses in a Circular Cylindrical Shell of Finite Length with Both Ends Clamped Which is Subjected to Concentrated impulsive Loads
- A Numerical Approach to Finite Elastic-Plastic Deflections of Circular Plates
- Boiling and Burnout Phenomena under Transient Heat Input : 1st Report, Experiment
- Free Convection Heat Transfer near Leading Edge of Semi-infinite Vertical Flat Plate with Finite Thickness : 1st.Report, Isothermal Flat Plate, Pr=0.72
- Optimum Design of Structures with Regard to Their Vibrational Characteristic : 4th Report, Type-1-problems of Beams Subjected to Axial Forces
- Gamma-ray production cross sections for aluminum and copper at 5.3-MeV neutron energy.
- Evaluation of heat transfer tube failure propagation due to sodium-water reaction in steam generator.
- Void Detection in BWR by Noise Analysis
- Cold trapping of fission products in a stainless steel sodium loop.
- Behavior of Cladding Tube under Coolant-Loss Accident Conditions