Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Medical Sci. Tokyo Jpn | 論文
- Complete Nucleotide Sequence and Gene Rearrangement of the Mitochondrial Genome of the Japanese Pond Frog Rana nigromaculata
- Sequence variation and structural conservation in the D-loop region and flanking genes of mitochondrial DNA from Japanese pond frogs
- Evolutionary relationships among Japanese pond frogs inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences of cytochrome b and 12S ribosomal RNA genes
- Microbial Serine Carboxypeptidase Inhibitors : Comparative Analysis of Actions on Homologous Enzymes Derived from Man, Yeast and Wheat
- Novel missense mutations in the human lysosomal sialidase gene in sialidosis patients and prediction of structural alterations of mutant enzymes
- Molecular and structural studies of Japanese patients with sialidosis type 1
- Induction of Apoptosis by Phosphatidylserine
- Phylogenetic Development of a Regulatory Gene for the Core 2 GlcNAc Transferase in Mus musculus
- Extensive interbreeding occurred among multiple matriarchal ancestors during the domestication of dogs : Evidence from inter-and intraspecies polymorphisms in the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA between dogs and wolves
- Establishment of antigen-specific lgE transgenic mice to study pathological and immunobiological roles of lge in vivo
- Geographic Variation and Diversity in the Mitochondrial DNA of the Medaka, Oryzias latipes, as Determined by Restriction Endonuclease Analysis
- Changes in mRNA Expression in Mouse Postnatal Cochlea by Differential Display Method
- Egg envelope glycoprotein gp37 as a Xenopus homolog of mammalian ZP1, based on cDNA cloning
- A major glycoprotein of Xenopus egg vitelline envelope, gp41, is a frog homolog of mammalian ZP3
- Membrane Structure of the Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen Particle
- Structural and functional study of K453E mutant protective protein/cathepsin A causing the late infantile form of galactosialidosis
- Screening and detection of gene mutations in Japanese patients with Fabry disease by non-radioactive single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis
- A Monoclonal Antibody, 3A10, Recognizes a Specific Amino Acid Sequence Present on a Series of Developmentally Expressed Brain Proteins
- Localization of the Phosphatidylserine-Binding Site of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Responsible for Membrane Fusion
- Specific Binding of a Synthetic Peptide Derived from an Antibody Complementarity Detemining Region to Phosphatidylserine