Tokyo Institute of Techinology | 論文
- A Systematic Analysis of Planar Multilink Mechanisms
- Synthesis of Leg-Mechanisms of Biped Walking Machines : Part II, Synthesis of Foot-Driving Mechanism
- On Transient Walks of a Biped Walking Machine (1st Report, Motions of Leg Mechanisms) : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- A Synthesis of Crank-length Adjusting Mechanisms
- A Kineto-elastodynamic Analysis of Planar Link Mechanisms with Consideration of Bearing Clearances
- On the Control of Attitude of Biped Locomotion by Linear-Motion Balancer
- Kinematic Analysis of Stephenson Six-Link Mechanisms : 2nd Report, Index of Motion-Transmission Characteristics
- On the Envelope Curves of the Coupler Lines of Plane Four-Bar Mechanisms : 1st Report, Synthesis of Mechanism
- Kinematic Analysis of Stephenson Six-Link Mechanisms : 1st Report, Discrimination of Composition Loops
- Synthesis of Plane Six-Link Mechanisms Using the Monte Carlo Method
- On the Envelope Curves of the Coupler Lines of Plane Four-Bar Mechanisms : 2nd Report, Analysis of Singularity and Accuracy of the Envelope curves
- A Dynamic Synthesis of Non-uniform Motion Mechanisms
- On the Design of Planar Mechanisms with Consideration of Interferences of Moving Links
- On the Positioning by a Linear Induction Motor