Tokyo Gakugei University | 論文
- 中国瀋陽市における自動車産業の発展と部品供給構造 : 金杯自動車の分析を通して
- 中国における土地収用と農民生活の変化 : 北京市順義区を事例として
- Growth of plastic shear zone and its duration inferred from theoretical consideration and observation of an ancient shear zone in the granitic crust
- New Method for the Assessment of Biological Effect by Surfactants Using Yeast DNA Microarray
- ペリー・ハリスと時代考証 (あっ晴れ!おかやま国文祭 第25回国民文化祭・おかやま2010 洋学シンポジウム報告 江戸時代の国際文化交流--洋学・異国人・異国船)
- Magnetic XANES of Circularly Polarized X-Ray Absorption on Fe and Ni Metals and Nd_2Fe_B Compound
- X-Ray Resonance Magnetic Scattering
- Changing Regional Structure and Prospects in Central Europe
- Market Economy and Changing Regional Structures: The Case of Central Europe
- The Historical Trend of Teacher Identity in Japan : Focusing on Educational Reforms and the Occupational Culture of Teachers
- THE HUMAN CONDITION : A Lexicological Essay
- 統一後旧東ドイツ地域の教師教育
- Identification of Crystal Axes by Kikuchi Patterns in Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
- Geometrical Surface Wave Resonance at a Silicon (111) Surface in Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
- Water-rock interaction observed in the brittle-plastic transition zone
- Development of the Hatagawa Fault Zone clarified by geological and geochronological studies
- 江戸幕府の統治体制 (特集 江戸時代のガバナンス)
- The Formation of Region in Modern Japan from the Viewpoint of the Nation, Society, and Individuals
- 石川県立歴史博物館所蔵「大鋸コレクション松岡家文書補遺」目録および解題
- Structural evolution of the Nojima fault (Awaji Island, Japan) revisited from the GSJ drill hole at Hirabayashi