Tokyo Electric power Co., Inc. | 論文
- Lightning Occurrence Data Observed with Lightning Location Systems of Electric Utilities in Japan : 1992-2001
- Lightning Occurrence Data Observed with Lightning Location Systems of Electric Utilities in Japan : 1992-2000
- A Display Method of Trees by Using Photo Images
- Crud Removal Performance with Ion Exchange Resins in BWR Plants
- Operating Characteristics of Cooling Underground Power Calbes using up Sloped Long Heat Pipes in Conduit
- A Reliability Evaluation System for Ceramic Gas Turbines : Solid-Mechanics, Strength of Materials
- Two-phase flow phenomena in broken recirculation line of BWR.
- Measurements of friction coefficient and strain concetration of barriered fuel claddings under mechanical interaction with pellets.
- Application of pattern recognition techniques to location of impact sound sources on pressure vessels.
- Water quality control in primary cooling system of crud concentration suppressed boiling water reactor. I Water chemistry experience in latest crud conentration suppressed BWR.:Water Chemistry Experience in Latest Crud Conentration Suppressed BWR