Tokai Univ. Shizuoka Jpn | 論文
- Identification of alfonsino, Beryx mollis and B. splendens collected in Japan, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, and their comparison with those collected in New Caledonia
- Ni-MHバッテリー用C14型ラーベス相水素吸蔵合金の開発
- Intraspecific diversity of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) from Japan, China and Korea, based on the cox1 gene and ITS2 sequences
- Inheritance pattern of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes in artificial hybrids of Porphyra yezoensis (Rhodophyta)
- Simple differentiation of two closely related species Porphyra tenera and Porphyra yezoensis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta) based on length polymorphism of actin-related protein 4 gene (ARP4)
- 一次救命のための新たな携帯型人工呼吸器の開発
- 救急蘇生技術の変遷と将来展望
- Pelagic eggs and larvae of Coelorinchus kishinouyei (Gadiformes : Macrouridae) collected from Suruga Bay, Japan
- Pelagic eggs and larvae of Coryphaenoides marginatus (Gadiformes : Macrouridae) collected from Suruga Bay, Japan
- Identification of alfonsino and related fish species belonging to the genus Beryx with mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and its application on their pelagic eggs
- Geographical Differentiation in Populations of Japanese Dace Tribolodon hakonensis Deduced from Allozymic Variation : Ecology and Taxonomy
- Dolichopteryx rostrata, a new species of spookfish (Argentinoidea : Opisthoproctidae) from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
- 中澤信午先生の御逝去を悼む
- A simple method to distinguish two commercially valuable eel species in Japan Anguilla japonica and A. anguilla using polymerase chain reaction strategy with a species-specific primer
- Bacillus subtilis Response Regulator DegU Is a Direct Activator of pgsB Transcription Involved in γ-Poly-glutamic Acid Synthesis
- Development of myofibrillar ATPase assay system on pH stat
- Coupling Characteristics between Geophone and Ground Model
- The Development of a Novel Optical Floppy Disk Drive Using a Phase Change Optical Medium and a Quasi-Near-Field Optical Head
- Grain Size, La/Yb and Th/Sc of Settling Particles in the Western North Pacific : Evidence for Lateral Transport of Small Asian Loess
- GRC-SSD法によるCu-III-Se_2 (III=Ga, In)の単結晶成長